for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Come Away and Rest Awhile: How to Make a Desert Day

Come Away and Rest Awhile: How to Make a Desert Day

Looking for a way to ignite your prayer life? This Lent, consider making a desert day, a spiritual practice of silence and solitude to pray and rest with the Lord.

Be. Loved.

Be. Loved.

A reflection on Blessed Is She's retreat experiences is an invitation to join us for the next one.

Catholic Women Speakers | Blessed is She Team Members - Blessed Is She

Catholic Women Speakers | Blessed is She Team Members

When it comes to planning an event, conference, or parish night for Catholic women, there are so many details to handle and decisions to make. At the top of that...
From Protestant to Catholic: My Conversion Story

From Protestant to Catholic: My Conversion Story

The story of one woman went from working full-time for a Protestant, evangelical megachurch to being in love with the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.
Marian Summit: Join Us to Grow Closer to Mary Through Her Ten Virtues

Marian Summit: Grow Closer to Mary Through Her Ten Virtues

Join us for the Blessed is She Marian Summit, beginning this Thursday, August 15. For three days, we will hear from speakers about the ten virtues of Mary and how we can live these virtues well in our own lives.
What Sets a Blessed is She Retreat Apart

What Sets a Blessed is She Retreat Apart

What sets a Blessed Is She retreat apart? Join us for an upcoming retreat to find out how the Lord works in the hearts of each woman who attends.

Summer Beach Reads for Catholics - Blessed Is She

Summer Beach Reads for Catholics

I love to read: Scripture, spiritual reading, lives of the Saints, novels, and my new favorite, narrative nonfiction. Growing up, I was the kid who read the Reader’s Digest front...
The Restore Retreat Can Change Your Life - Blessed Is She

The Restore Retreat Can Change Your Life

Get ready for a life-changing experience. Join us on a Blessed is She retreat, where we can't wait to see what Jesus does in your heart.

The Need for Personal Retreats

The Need for Personal Retreats

Join Blessed Is She on retreat, where Jesus will show you the importance of stepping away from our normal routines so He can refresh and refuel us.

Let Your Light Shine: Braving Solo Travel to Attend the Blessed is She Retreat - Blessed Is She

Let Your Light Shine: Braving Solo Travel to Attend the Blessed is She Retreat

Just shy of two years ago, I was in my home watching Beth Davis do a Teachable Tuesday talk on Instagram. She discussed letting God know your dreams. The idea...
How to Make an End-of-Year Retreat - Blessed Is She

How to Make an End-of-Year Retreat

For the last couple of years during the holiday season, my husband and I have carved out time away from our kids and normal routine for an “end-of-year retreat.” Maybe...
Bearing Light Advent Journal // An Interview with the Designer - Blessed Is She

Bearing Light Advent Journal // An Interview with the Designer

Our social media feeds are lighting up with the sharing of this year's Advent Journal, Bearing Light. We've all been captivated by the beautiful cover design, which will compel us...