for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Sinners and Saints on the Path of Holiness

Sinners and Saints on the Path of Holiness

What do we do when someone disappoints our illusion of them? Here are three ideas to consider.

Our Lady of Champion Invites Women Into Spiritual Motherhood

Our Lady of Champion Invites Women Into Spiritual Motherhood

Meet Adele Brise, who the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to in 1859. The site is the first and only Marian apparition in the United States.
The Well Mentorship and My Journey to Catholicism

The Well Mentorship and My Journey to Catholicism

After three years of prayer, tears, and wrestling with God, The Well was the last piece of the puzzle before becoming Catholic.
From Protestant to Catholic: My Conversion Story

From Protestant to Catholic: My Conversion Story

The story of one woman went from working full-time for a Protestant, evangelical megachurch to being in love with the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.