for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Monthly Wallpaper from Blessed is She // 387

Monthly Wallpaper from Blessed is She // 387

As we prepare for this season of Lent together, let's remember that God’s mercy is endless, and His arms are always open. No matter how far we’ve wandered, He calls...
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Monthly Wallpaper from Blessed is She // 386

The month of February is traditionally dedicated to the Holy Family. Pope Francis says this, "In the family of Nazareth astonishment never waned." Let's live lives with this in mind: that our...
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Monthly Wallpaper from Blessed is She // 385

This month in our BIS Member Community we're talking all about MISSION. What does mission mean for us and why does it matter? Join us for our weekly Q&As live...
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Monthly Wallpaper from Blessed is She // 384

"In Jesus God was incarnate, he became a man like us and in this way opened for us the road to his heavenly Kingdom, to full communion with him." //...
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Monthly Wallpaper from Blessed is She // 383

This month's wallpaper is inspired by our new Advent Devotional for 2024, A Thrill of Hope. Grab your copy to pray with us this Advent season. Click here to download your phone wallpaper....
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Monthly Wallpaper from Blessed is She // 382

This month's wallpaper is inspired by our new Advent Devotional for 2024, A Thrill of Hope. Grab your copy to pray with us this Advent season. Click here to download...
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Monthly Wallpaper from Blessed is She // 381

We're celebrating 10 YEARS of Blessed is She by celebrating Jesus and all that He has done. CLICK FOR VISUAL TIMELINE Click here to download your phone wallpaper. Click here...
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Monthly Wallpaper from Blessed is She // 380

This month we are so inspired by this verse from the Gospel of Matthew, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." // Matthew 5:8 This verse...
Monthly Wallpaper from Blessed is She // 379 - Blessed Is She

Monthly Wallpaper from Blessed is She // 379

This month we are so inspired by this beautiful verse from Saint Paul in Romans: For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of...
Monthly Wallpaper from Blessed is She // 378 - Blessed Is She

Monthly Wallpaper from Blessed is She // 378

Click to download your phone wallpaper Click to download your desktop wallpaper   P.S. This artwork comes from our new study on Mary, called Home! It's also featured on these bible verse...
Pentecost Holy Spirit Wallpaper from Blessed is She // 377 - Blessed Is She

Pentecost Holy Spirit Wallpaper from Blessed is She // 377

It's Pentecost! When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind,...
Monthly Wallpaper from Blessed is She // 376 - Blessed Is She

Monthly Wallpaper from Blessed is She // 376

Click to download your phone wallpaperClick to download your desktop wallpaper This design is featured in our new 2024-25 Liturgical Planners, now available to pre-order.