for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Sinners and Saints on the Path of Holiness

Sinners and Saints on the Path of Holiness

What do we do when someone disappoints our illusion of them? Here are three ideas to consider.

Up and Down Emmitsburg, Maryland: A Spiritual Journey

Up and Down Emmitsburg, Maryland: A Spiritual Journey

On the Feast of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, travel the mountains and valleys of Maryland where she lived and worked and grew in holiness—all out of love for God.
BIS Reviews // The Hidden Life

BIS Reviews // The Hidden Life

In the movie, The Hidden Life, learn about the simple life of Blessed Franz Jägerstätter and his heroic suffering during World War II, which led to his beatification in 2007.

Living Virtuously With Mary

Living Virtuously With Mary

The new Blessed Conversations study Home is all about Mary’s virtues, and they are presented in a way that makes it easy for us to put them into practice.
nun and woman smiling

How Can I Really Be Holy?

How can I be holy? Here's a hint: Holiness doesn't have to require a deep understanding of theological terms. Incredible as the intellectual giants of our Catholic tradition are, if...