for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Baby Names Inspired by the Jubilee Year

Baby Names Inspired by the Jubilee Year

Expecting a baby in 2025? Consider one of these baby names inspired by the Jubilee Year of Hope.

BIS Reads // The Thoughtful Home

BIS Reads // The Thoughtful Home

In the book The Thoughtful Home by Dia Boyle, discover how the hard work of homemaking can transform our culture one soul at a time.

Guiding Little Hearts: The Importance of Taking Your Kids to Confession

Guiding Little Hearts: The Importance of Taking Your Kids to Confession

Blessed Is She offers a free, downloadable Examination of Conscience for Kids, which is a great way to help them prepare for the Sacrament of Confession.
November: Gratitude and Recipes

November: Gratitude and Recipes

Recipes shared among friends are nourishing for the body and soul.
BIS Reads // In the Trenches: Finding God Through Parenting Littles

BIS Reads // In the Trenches: Finding God Through Parenting Littles

Blessed Is She reads and reviews In the Trenches: Finding God Through Parenting Littles by Kelsey Gillespy.
BIS Reads // Christmas in Heaven

BIS Reads // Christmas in Heaven

 Christmas in Heaven, a sweet new Christmas book that is sure to bring hope into our children's lives . . . and our own.
Faith, Family, and Sports . . . In That Order

Faith, Family, and Football . . . In That Order

Here are five guidelines families can follow to help their children keep a proper ordering of sports.