for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

No Cross, No Crown: The Theology of Redemption in Disney’s Tangled

No Cross, No Crown: The Theology of Redemption in Disney’s Tangled

Looking for a redemption story to ponder this Lent? Look no further than Disney's Tangled and the powerful transformation of Flynn Rider.

BIS Reads // The Power of Silence

BIS Reads // The Power of Silence

For the busy Catholic woman, here are ten tips based on Cardinal Robert Sarah's book, The Power of Silence, to help prioritize silence in everyday life.

BIS Reads // Weird Catholic Handbook

BIS Reads // Weird Catholic Handbook

In his debut book, Weird Catholic Handbook, Michael Lichens brings his two personal passions to the masses: his love for the Catholic Faith and his love for all things strange about our faith.

Catholic Women Speakers | Blessed is She Team Members - Blessed Is She

Catholic Women Speakers | Blessed is She Team Members

When it comes to planning an event, conference, or parish night for Catholic women, there are so many details to handle and decisions to make. At the top of that...
BIS Reads // The Thoughtful Home

BIS Reads // The Thoughtful Home

In the book The Thoughtful Home by Dia Boyle, discover how the hard work of homemaking can transform our culture one soul at a time.

Christmas Lights + Daughterhood: The Theology of Disney’s Tangled

Christmas Lights + Daughterhood: The Theology of Disney’s Tangled

The significance of the little illuminations that appear everywhere each December and the significance of the movie Tangled do converge, because they originate in the same truth. It is all held in the reality of Christmas.
BIS Reads // A Melody of Love

BIS Reads // A Melody of Love

Blessed Is She reviews a sweet new book, Melody of Love, which makes the perfect bedtime story this Christmas season.
BIS Reads // In the Trenches: Finding God Through Parenting Littles

BIS Reads // In the Trenches: Finding God Through Parenting Littles

Blessed Is She reads and reviews In the Trenches: Finding God Through Parenting Littles by Kelsey Gillespy.
BIS Reads // Christmas in Heaven

BIS Reads // Christmas in Heaven

 Christmas in Heaven, a sweet new Christmas book that is sure to bring hope into our children's lives . . . and our own.
BIS Reads // Whispers of Mary

BIS Reads // Whispers of Mary

In her book Whispers of Mary, Gayle Somers introduces us to ten Old Testament women and shows us how each of their stories leads us to Mary, our Blessed Mother.
BIS Reviews // The Hidden Life

BIS Reviews // The Hidden Life

In the movie, The Hidden Life, learn about the simple life of Blessed Franz Jägerstätter and his heroic suffering during World War II, which led to his beatification in 2007.

A New Christmas Album with Old Friends - Blessed Is She

A New Christmas Album with Old Friends

If you're a Catholic who loves a rollicking good tune, you have probably heard of the band "Scythian": two Ukranian Catholic brothers, Alexander and Danylo Fedoryka, accompanied by two of...