for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

A New Year's Habit: How to Start Bible Journaling

A New Year's Habit: How to Start Bible Journaling

The new year is a perfect time to begin creating new habits, such as Bible journaling. Here are seven simple steps to get started on this fulfilling spiritual practice.

Twenty-five Ideas for Keeping Your Home Cozy This Winter

Twenty-five Ideas for Keeping Your Home Cozy This Winter

To encourage a restful, restorative season, here are twenty-five ways to get cozy in these first, wintry months of 2025.
Two Helpful Tips for Praying the Rosary With Greater Devotion

Two Helpful Tips for Praying the Rosary With Greater Devotion

On the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, here are two helpful tips for praying the Rosary that will keep this prayer alive in our hearts.

New Year, New Word, New Saint

New Year, New Word, New Saint

Discover how to prayerfully adopt a Saint for the year and listen for the word God has for you ... and why you should!
Christmas Octave: Simple and Intentional Liturgical Living

Christmas Octave: Simple and Intentional Liturgical Living

Christmas Day is just the beginning. Here is a list of simple ways to celebrate the birth of Christ throughout the entire Christmas Octave.

Walking With Mother Mary in the New Year

Walking With Mother Mary in the New Year

In this new year, with so much talk of resolutions, let us consider turning to Mother Mary to be our guide.