for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Pilgrimage Sites in the Southern Region of the U.S.

Pilgrimage Sites in the Southern Region of the U.S.

In honor of the Jubilee Year, Blessed Is She is highlighting, in a series of blog posts, sacred pilgrimage sites throughout the United States. We begin with the Southern region of the country.

Baby Names Inspired by the Jubilee Year

Baby Names Inspired by the Jubilee Year

Expecting a baby in 2025? Consider one of these baby names inspired by the Jubilee Year of Hope.

BIS Reads // Weird Catholic Handbook

BIS Reads // Weird Catholic Handbook

In his debut book, Weird Catholic Handbook, Michael Lichens brings his two personal passions to the masses: his love for the Catholic Faith and his love for all things strange about our faith.

How to Love Your Neighbor in Winter’s Chill

How to Love Your Neighbor in Winter’s Chill

No matter the season, we are called to love our neighbor. Explore creative ways to practice the Corporal Works of Mercy this winter.

How to Connect Daily with Your Guardian Angel

How to Connect Daily with Your Guardian Angel

Want to connect more with your guardian angel? Here are seventeen ideas to foster a deeper relationship him.

Christmas Octave: Simple and Intentional Liturgical Living

Christmas Octave: Simple and Intentional Liturgical Living

Christmas Day is just the beginning. Here is a list of simple ways to celebrate the birth of Christ throughout the entire Christmas Octave.

The Christmas Angels: How Their Message Uplifts Those Facing Holiday Hardship

The Christmas Angels: How Their Message Uplifts Those Facing Holiday Hardship

The appearances of the angels during the Christmas season are great evidence that no matter what we are going through, God sees us and is sending us heavenly aid.
Dating Advice From Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Dating Advice From Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Archbishop Sheen outlines three tests to search for the Spirit of Christ within an individual. And these tests could offer insights when discerning a spouse.

BIS Reads // On the Demonic

BIS Reads // On the Demonic

While the chosen title of this new book by Archbishop Fulton Sheen is On the Demonic, it is truly a book about the power of the Divine—power which God shares with His disciples.
What the August Saints Proclaim about the August Queen

What the August Saints Proclaim about the August Queen

August is a special month to honor Mary as it is traditionally dedicated to her Immaculate Heart. One could even say that she is our “August Queen.” Many of the August Saints of the liturgical calendar not only had devotions to Mary, but they also had ministries in which they encouraged others to love her as well.

Ten Things You May Not Know about Saint Mark - Blessed Is She

Ten Things You May Not Know about Saint Mark

Our faith tells us that names are the icon of the person. This means that our names reveal a core truth about our identity. Saint Mark the Evangelist’s name is...
When Wildlife Proclaims God's Handiwork - Blessed Is She

When Wildlife Proclaims God's Handiwork

10 Animals (and Saints) God Used to Show His Glory  There’s a line in the Gospels after Jesus calms a storm that always sends me into contemplating this question: “Who...