In the midst of the cold and darkness of these winter months, we naturally tuck ourselves away within our homes for warmth and safety from the natural elements. This can be a time welcomed by many—a time to rest and spend slow quality time with those we love. However, for some, these months can symbolize the struggles many people face in society, such as loneliness, poverty, and physical hardships. The darkness looms not just outside, but inward, and reminders of Christ’s love are much needed.
Saint John the Evangelist wrote three epistles reminding us that our first duty as Christians is to love. While it can be hard to remember those outside our immediate home, Saint Paul reminds us that Christians make up one mystical body (see 1 Corinthians 12:12-26). When one of us is hurting, the whole body is suffering.
So, what are some ways to love others at this time?
Embrace the Corporal Works of Mercy
In God’s generosity, He has given us an outline of loving things to do for others which we can return to time and time again. Here they are again, tailored as much as possible towards the needs and experiences of others during these winter months.
Feed the Hungry
Invite people whom you suspect might be lonely to share a meal with you. They could come to your home, or you could go to theirs. You could cook the meal or pick up take out. Often people are hungrier for companionship than they are for meals.
Reach out to local food banks and ask questions. What items do they need? What items are often requested? Are there items they need more of during winter? Make the trek to the store to make purchases based on their answers, and drop them off on your way home.
If you make a recipe that is easily freezable, make a double batch and pinpoint a person in your life you think may benefit from a surprise, home-cooked meal. This could be a new mom, an elderly or sick neighbor, or even a single friend who is always taking care of others! You could even make an event of this. Partner with friends or family to whip up a large batch of food. Then each of you could deliver a portion of it to your own neighbors.
Think about where you typically see the homeless and what restaurants are in walking distance. Buy some gift cards to those places and keep them in your car or wallet. You will be ready the next time you see a person in need. Simply hand over a gift card, give them a smile and a warm greeting, and satisfy their hunger for food and love. (This could also apply for warm drinks in the next section.)
Give Drink to the Thirsty
Some local coffee shops have a running fund which pays for warm drinks for those who cannot afford it themselves. Donate to that fund or inquire about getting one started if there is a need in the area.
Partner with your parish or local homeless shelter to create a hot beverage station—this could be as simple or as fancy as you would like!
Assemble care kits that include travel-sized packets of instant coffee, tea bags, hot chocolate mix, and a reusable mug or thermos (perhaps picking these up at the thrift shops when you see them). These kits could be given to people in need, especially those without homes, to provide not just warmth but also a sense of dignity.
Clothe the Naked
Go through your clothes, especially your winter things. If you have too much of anything, or your children have outgrown things, heed the words of Saint John the Baptist (see Luke 3:11) and find a shelter or a family who may benefit, and give them away.
Socks are one of the greatest needs in shelters and for the homeless. Keep pairs in your car to hand out or sponsor a sock drive at your church or school.
Another item to keep in your car and hand out to others are hand and foot warmers.
Shelter the Homeless
Research local non-profits to find the ones that have programs to help with those who need a warm place to sleep. Beyond shelters, some programs provide hotel vouchers for a day or two. Have this information on hand to share with others, and consider donating to help with the cost.
Get involved with a local Habitat for Humanity. Find a way to support their cause, either by volunteering your time, helping on a build, or donating items to their resale stores.
Visit the Sick
Make a visit to a local nursing home. If none of your family members are local, talk with an events coordinator to see if there is a way you can get involved, whether that is by helping to facilitate their already planned events or simply spending time with someone who gets no visitors themselves.
Check in on your elderly neighbors and relatives. Stop by with a meal or activity (like a game of cards) you can share together.
If a physical visit is not possible, taking the time to chat on the phone or send a personalized card is a nice way to make a friend feel seen.
See if your local hospital has an animal therapy program. Some facilities allow pets to be brought in under specific circumstances. If able, you could bring a furry friend to spread some light to those under medical care.
Visit the Imprisoned
Contact your diocesan prison chaplain to discuss ways to support his mission. See if there is an individual who might benefit from a letter, Bible, or care package.
Bury the Dead
Consider deceased loved ones who either died or had birthdays around this time of year and make an extra effort to pray for them. Go to your parish office and schedule Masses to be said for the repose of their soul.
Think of your friends and relatives who lost loved ones over the past year and do something nice for them. The holidays after a loss always include some grief; reaching out to those still grieving is truly an act of love and mercy.
The Light of Christ in the Cold
John’s Gospel reminds us that a light—Christ—has shone in the darkness (see John 1:5), and even the dull darkness of winter’s harsh conditions will not overcome it. Even when the world seems cold, Christ calls us to bring light to those in need. Sometimes, in trying to love others, we find Christ’s light within them and it illuminates and warms our own hearts.
I invite you to take a moment today to think about how you can serve those around you this winter—whether through an act of mercy, a kind word, or a thoughtful gesture. No act of love, no matter how small, goes unnoticed by God.
How will you share Christ's light this winter? Let us reflect, act, and share in the warmth of His love together.