for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Pilgrimage Sites in the Southern Region of the U.S.

Pilgrimage Sites in the Southern Region of the U.S.

In honor of the Jubilee Year, Blessed Is She is highlighting, in a series of blog posts, sacred pilgrimage sites throughout the United States. We begin with the Southern region of the country.

Baby Names Inspired by the Jubilee Year

Baby Names Inspired by the Jubilee Year

Expecting a baby in 2025? Consider one of these baby names inspired by the Jubilee Year of Hope.

BIS Reads // Weird Catholic Handbook

BIS Reads // Weird Catholic Handbook

In his debut book, Weird Catholic Handbook, Michael Lichens brings his two personal passions to the masses: his love for the Catholic Faith and his love for all things strange about our faith.

Of Godparents and Guardian Angels

Of Godparents and Guardian Angels

Discover how to rekindle your responsibility as godparent by asking for the help of your godchild's guardian angel, who will never miss a chance to help them.
BIS Reads // Merrie England

BIS Reads // Merrie England

Travel the Catholic countrysides of England through the pages of Merrie England by Joseph Pearce.
BIS Planner: How it Makes the Best Use of My Time

BIS Planner: How it Makes the Best Use of My Time

The 2025 calendar-year planner is here! Learn how it ebbs and flows with the liturgical seasons and helps to organize all aspects of life.
10 Catholic Resources for Kids - Blessed Is She

10 Catholic Resources for Kids

“Train the young in the way they should go; even when old, they will not swerve from it.” // Proverbs 22:6 “Nothing gives me greater joy than to hear that...