for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

On the Feast of Saint Katharine Drexel

On the Feast of Saint Katharine Drexel

Today we celebrate the feast of Saint Katharine Drexel. She is the second American-born Saint and known for her heroic generosity.

catholic women mission

Our Mission Comes From Jesus

Hey friends, Beth Davis here, sharing a conversation with Rachel Herbeck that dives deep into the heart of what mission means for us as believers. Spoiler alert: it's not about...
Catholic Women Speakers | Blessed is She Team Members - Blessed Is She

Catholic Women Speakers | Blessed is She Team Members

When it comes to planning an event, conference, or parish night for Catholic women, there are so many details to handle and decisions to make. At the top of that...
BIS Reads // The Thoughtful Home

BIS Reads // The Thoughtful Home

In the book The Thoughtful Home by Dia Boyle, discover how the hard work of homemaking can transform our culture one soul at a time.

Let's Celebrate: Ten Years of Blessed Is She

Let's Celebrate: Ten Years of Blessed Is She

So much has changed over ten years . . . and yet so much has remained the same. Jenna Guizar, founder of Blessed Is She, reflects on the minitry's ten year anniversary.

How to Make a Prayer Wall - Blessed Is She

How to Make a Prayer Wall

In a culture of selfies and social media posts, others-centeredness takes great intention and practice. When our children were younger, we had a more consistent family prayer routine. During this...
Bagels and the Providence of God - Blessed Is She

Bagels and the Providence of God

Let me paint the scene: It was a girl’s day out, everyone was grabbing some lunch, and I was stuck in the ordering line having an existential crisis about whether...
Saint Martin the Merciful - Blessed Is She

Saint Martin the Merciful

Whenever I pack to go camping, it’s inevitable that I will find myself asking the same question. Generally between stops at the store, and cramming sleeping bags, tents, cookware, rain...
My Foster Care Journey - Blessed Is She

My Foster Care Journey

“Think nothing else but that God ordains all, and where there is no love, put love, and you will draw out love.” This quote from Saint John of the Cross...
BIS Reads // Kristin Lavransdatter - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads // Kristin Lavransdatter

1,119 pages. This is the page count of my copy of Kristin Lavransdatter. It is well over 200 pages from the longest book in the Harry Potter series. This Nobel...
BIS Reads // The Devil in the Castle - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads // The Devil in the Castle

“Have you ever considered that the devil is active in your prayer life? In the parish church where you attend Mass? In the lives and actions of people of goodwill...
Saint Pio and the Miracle of Wanda Półtawska - Blessed Is She

Saint Pio and the Miracle of Wanda Półtawska

When we are ready to give up hope, we must persevere. The Saints teach us this. Even the darkest night will not last, and it will—it must—give way to the...