for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Nine Saints to Meet in Honor of Black History Month

Nine Saints to Meet in Honor of Black History Month

In honor of Black History Month, here is a list of nine Black Saints and their stories that are worth knowing.

The Well Mentorship and My Journey to Catholicism

The Well Mentorship and My Journey to Catholicism

After three years of prayer, tears, and wrestling with God, The Well was the last piece of the puzzle before becoming Catholic.
From Protestant to Catholic: My Conversion Story

From Protestant to Catholic: My Conversion Story

The story of one woman went from working full-time for a Protestant, evangelical megachurch to being in love with the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.
Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross + Her Message to Women

Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross + Her Message to Women

In her message to women, Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross explains how love means to embrace an encounter with the Cross in some form. And an encounter with the Cross is an invitation to an encounter with Christ.
Our Lady of Guadalupe and How She Adopted Our Family - Blessed Is She

Our Lady of Guadalupe and How She Adopted Our Family

December 12th is the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe and it is a very special day in our home. This feast day is significant to many throughout the...
BIS Reviews // Fr. Stu - Blessed Is She

BIS Reviews // Fr. Stu

For all of the causes for concern that are splashed across our screens day after day, I have noticed a trend that is heartening. Over the past several years, entertainment...
Saints Who Had Conversions Later in Life - Blessed Is She

Saints Who Had Conversions Later in Life

Age is an interesting concept. What was once considered old, our modern experience now perceives as the prime of life. Likewise, what we currently qualify as middle-age, our ancestors might...
The Return of the Prodigal Son // Nouwen’s Conversion Through Art - Blessed Is She

The Return of the Prodigal Son // Nouwen’s Conversion Through Art

Many of us are familiar with the story of The Prodigal Son. In fact, sometimes when people bring up the story of the Prodigal Son I find myself tempted to...
Sts. Monica and Augustine: Lessons from a Famous Mother-Son Duo in the Church - Blessed Is She

Saints Monica and Augustine: Lessons from a Famous Mother-Son Duo in the Church

As I have grown in my faith, I have made close spiritual friendships with a wide variety of saints. Like many of you, I have my favorite spiritual besties who...
Sts. Perpetua and Felicity: What Modern Catholic Women Can Learn from Two Third-Century Martyrs - Blessed Is She

Sts. Perpetua and Felicity: What Modern Catholic Women Can Learn from Two Third-Century Martyrs

I recognized their names from the Roman Canon, but it wasn’t until daily Mass one March 7th that the priest brought Sts. Perpetua and Felicity to life before the eyes...
All About Novenas - Blessed Is She

All About Novenas

A few months ago, my husband and I decided to start praying the St. Andrew Novena together. The novena begins on November 30th (St. Andrew’s feast day) and ends on Christmas...
St. Josephine Bakhita + Other Black Saints - Blessed Is She

St. Josephine Bakhita + Other Black Saints

Right before His Ascension, Jesus tells His Apostles, to “...make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:18). After an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the Apostles went and did just that....