for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Saint Joseph: A Strong Man for the Single Woman

Saint Joseph: A Strong Man for the Single Woman

Saint Joseph wants to watch over single women in a fatherly way, as you enrich your trust in God’s good plan for your life. 

Catholic Women Speakers | Blessed is She Team Members - Blessed Is She

Catholic Women Speakers | Blessed is She Team Members

When it comes to planning an event, conference, or parish night for Catholic women, there are so many details to handle and decisions to make. At the top of that...
BIS Reads // The Thoughtful Home

BIS Reads // The Thoughtful Home

In the book The Thoughtful Home by Dia Boyle, discover how the hard work of homemaking can transform our culture one soul at a time.

Guiding Little Hearts: The Importance of Taking Your Kids to Confession

Guiding Little Hearts: The Importance of Taking Your Kids to Confession

Blessed Is She offers a free, downloadable Examination of Conscience for Kids, which is a great way to help them prepare for the Sacrament of Confession.
Dating Advice From Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Dating Advice From Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Archbishop Sheen outlines three tests to search for the Spirit of Christ within an individual. And these tests could offer insights when discerning a spouse.

Our Lady of Champion Invites Women Into Spiritual Motherhood

Our Lady of Champion Invites Women Into Spiritual Motherhood

Meet Adele Brise, who the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to in 1859. The site is the first and only Marian apparition in the United States.
How a Relationship with Mary Blesses Women in All Seasons of Life

How a Relationship with Mary Blesses Women in All Seasons of Life

No matter what season we find ourselves, God in His wisdom gave us Mary, who meets us where we are with the love of a mother.

BIS Planner in Action // Type-B Homeschool Edition - Blessed Is She

BIS Planner in Action // Type-B Homeschool Edition

I'm a long-time homeschooling mom of 6, and have been using the BIS planner as part of my organizing for the last several years. Both the Big and Mini have...
REMAIN Series // Living in the Longing - Blessed Is She

REMAIN Series // Living in the Longing

As I sat in the back of the empty desert chapel, I remembered I was not alone, but with Jesus. I let my tears fall and with them, my grasping...
Saint Joseph the Worker + the Meaningful Mundane - Blessed Is She

Saint Joseph the Worker + the Meaningful Mundane

Tolkien’s short but poignant work "Leaf by Niggle" offers fascinating insights into the intersection of our personal and professional lives. Niggle’s vocation involves painting leaves. But he battles against his...
5 Common Mistakes in Discernment (and How to Avoid Them) - Blessed Is She

5 Common Mistakes in Discernment (and How to Avoid Them)

I was in Adoration on retreat at age 16, tears running down my face while I asked Jesus if I should be a nun. “Just tell me,” I begged, with...
Best Books for Discerning Marriage - Blessed Is She

Best Books for Discerning Marriage

Ever since I was a little girl, I knew I wanted to be married. I was always "falling in love" with boys and looking forward to being a mother. However,...