I'm a long-time homeschooling mom of 6, and have been using the BIS planner as part of my organizing for the last several years. Both the Big and Mini have been great options for me, (truthfully it's hard to choose every year) but I choose the Mini because it's so portable, and IMO, flexible for my planning without the hourly layout.
My planning style is laid-back and imperfect. Maybe that's why I love the BIS planner, because it helps me stay on track with big-picture things that matter—faith, food (gotta feed the hungry!), and family goals—while giving me flexibility to make it my own. I love that those habit-tracker bubbles can track anything!
My school planning is big-picture, while highlighting some essential specifics day-to-day. For me, big-picture items are the top academic things for the day, appointments, and extra-curriculars. I check the box as we go, without worrying about the time.

It works for my type-B, go-with-the-flow brain. ;)
The stickers are perfect to mark our weekly family holy (half) hour & monthly Confession trips, and to remind myself to pray first on Monday mornings (see pic!). I also like to use stickers on the notes pages as creative touches and prayerful reminders. "Jesus I trust in You" is one of my faves; keeping my focus on His will as I plan our homeschool days and months.

One of my favorite spreads in the Mini is the monthly goals spread. There I plan our most important and most desired goals, like sacrament prep and field trips.

Having this focus on faith, family, and fun every month helps me to revisit what needs the most attention, and to keep Christ at the center. The Blessed is She Planner helps me do just that.
P.S. You can DM Gina @somedaysaints on Instagram for more questions about how she uses the planner with her homeschooling family!

Be intentional in prayer and gratitude as you order your days in His peace. Let's wake up to our beautiful everyday life with the BIS Catholic Planner.
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