for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

No Cross, No Crown: The Theology of Redemption in Disney’s Tangled

No Cross, No Crown: The Theology of Redemption in Disney’s Tangled

Looking for a redemption story to ponder this Lent? Look no further than Disney's Tangled and the powerful transformation of Flynn Rider.

Simple Encouragement to Pray, Fast, and Give Alms This Lent

Simple Encouragement to Pray, Fast, and Give Alms This Lent

This Lent, pray with these nine Bible verses to keep your mind and heart at rest as we pray, fast, and give alms.

Come Away and Rest Awhile: How to Make a Desert Day

Come Away and Rest Awhile: How to Make a Desert Day

Looking for a way to ignite your prayer life? This Lent, consider making a desert day, a spiritual practice of silence and solitude to pray and rest with the Lord.

Under the Olive Tree: An Interview with Olivia Spears

Under the Olive Tree: An Interview with Olivia Spears

In this year’s Lent devotional Under the Olive Tree, Olivia Spears guides us as we remain with Jesus in the olive garden, consoling His Heart and sharing ours with Him in Gethsemane.

Septuagesima: A Short Season That Prepares Us for Lent

Septuagesima: A Short Season That Prepares Us for Lent

A good Lent doesn't just happen. Explore practical ways to prepare for Lent, including the observance of Septuagesima.

Remain With Jesus Under the Olive Tree

Remain With Jesus Under the Olive Tree

As we enter into Lent, Jesus invites us to remain with Him in the Garden of Gethsemane, as He prays Under the Olive Tree.

Let Us Console the Heart of Jesus Under the Olive Tree

Let Us Console the Heart of Jesus Under the Olive Tree

This Lent, as Jesus enters into His Passion, Blessed Is She invites you to meet Him in the Garden of Gethsemane, where it all began. We want to journey with you through our new Lent devotional, Under the Olive Tree, which is now available.
Why Get This Year's Lent Devotional from Blessed is She? - Blessed Is She

Why Get This Year's Lent Devotional from Blessed is She?

As we've been gearing up and sharing about our brand new Lent devotional, Rescued, this question has come up a couple of times: What do I get when I purchase the Blessed is She Lent devotional?  ...
Deciding What to Do for Lent (a Free Guide) - Blessed Is She

Deciding What to Do for Lent (a Free Guide)

I open my computer to dozens of emails of incredible resources to help my family and me during this Lenten season (mostly the most beautiful children's resources!). I click through each...
Let the Ground Rest // a letter to the BIS community - Blessed Is She

Let the Ground Rest // a letter to the BIS community

Dear friend,  My mouth hung open as I read and re-read the Scripture I happened upon one day in prayer, approaching my seventh year as a worker in the vineyard...
New Wine // The 2023 Lent Devotional for Catholic Women - Blessed Is She

New Wine // The 2023 Lent Devotional for Catholic Women

During this colder month, it can be difficult to imagine days in the desert. But give it a try. Lent will be here before we know it; and in Lent,...
Scripture Verses about Resurrection - Blessed Is She

Scripture Verses about Resurrection

The Easter story hinges on one detail: the Resurrection. Without resurrection, Easter is business as usual... yesterday’s news. The story that the God of the Universe was writing through Jesus’...