for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

#BISLent // Weekly Lenten Link-Up 4 - Blessed Is She

#BISLent // Weekly Lenten Link-Up 4

We offer a place to come together as a community and document how this Lent is going. Every week, we will open up a link-up for your blog posts, your...
#BISLent // Weekly Lenten Link-Up 3 - Blessed Is She

#BISLent // Weekly Lenten Link-Up 3

Every week, we will open up a link-up for your blog posts, your instagram posts, your thoughts to share with each other as sisters. We will offer a prompt that...
#BISLent // Weekly Lenten Link-Up 2 - Blessed Is She

#BISLent // Weekly Lenten Link-Up 2

On this second Sunday of Lent, we want to offer a place to come together as a community and document how this Lent is going. Every week, we will open...
#BISLent // Weekly Lenten Link-Up 1 - Blessed Is She

#BISLent // Weekly Lenten Link-Up 1

On this first Sunday of Lent, we want to offer a place to come together as a community and document how this Lent is going. Every week, we will open...
Good Friday // Feel the Nails - Blessed Is She

Good Friday // Feel the Nails

Good Friday...the day that started it all...our salvation and our great hope that one day we will be with Christ again in Heaven. How odd is it that every Good...
#BISsisterhood Link-Up // LENT - Blessed Is She

#BISsisterhood Link-Up // LENT

Today we are talking about LENT. Lent is a time to stop and reflect. It is a time to grow closer to Christ, through prayer and fasting, through abstinence and...
Making This Lent About God - Blessed Is She

Making This Lent About God

For some reason, I have turned my Lenten preparations into the sole practice of eating way too many pancakes in a Church basement and making my grandmother's Mardi Gras cookies....