How can I be holy? Here's a hint: Holiness doesn't have to require a deep understanding of theological terms. Incredible as the intellectual giants of our Catholic tradition are, if their beautifully complex understanding of God seems unattainable to you, you're in good company.
The Simplicity of Bernadette
Think of Saint Bernadette. She was a a simple child with little schooling, and yet the Blessed Mother revealed herself to Bernadette. Many saints like Bernadette have been simple, young, and yet profoundly holy!
The Littleness of Thérèse
Another example is Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. Thérèse's "little way" exemplifies how humility can pave the way to profound holiness. Her great love even in the most ordinary of actions made her a saint.
The same can be true for us. Whether we are practicing honoring our spouses, cheerfully doing the chore we most dislike, or speaking patiently to a child, tiny daily acts of charity can contribute to our holiness.
The Virtues of Mary
Desiring to grow in this hidden, everyday love of God, we at Blessed is She have recently developed a new study, Home, which is based upon the virtues of Our Lady. After all, she is the only woman to live out perfect charity, day after day.
Inspired by Saint Louis de Montfort's True Devotion to Mary, this study invites us into the home of Mary to learn from her. As daughters learn from their mother, so we hope to take on Mary's virtues by experiencing them by her side.
Learn How to be Holy in Her Home
We love growing together as a sisterhood. You are so welcome to join our Home study small groups in the app every Monday and Thursday! These sessions require no prep or homework. Simply come as you are, read the study together, reflect quietly, and discuss as a group. Or consider walking through the study with a friend!
Let's learn from Our Lady how to love, and she will guide us to become holy.

Just as a mother might pass on a beloved family tradition to her daughters, Mary shares the recipe for growing in virtue with us.
This study on Mary's Virtues will breathe new life into your everyday, beginning right in Mary's home.