for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Devotion for the Sacred Heart of Jesus - Blessed Is She

Devotion for the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Throughout most of my life, I've had a strong devotion to and love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus. There are many reasons why, but I've picked seven today to...
The Opportunity for Retreat - Blessed Is She

The Opportunity for Retreat

A few years ago, I went on seven retreats every year. I prepared for weeks - buying supplies, designating small groups, collecting permission slips, writing talks, and forming student leaders....
Three Reasons I Go on Retreat - Blessed Is She

Three Reasons I Go on Retreat

Going on a retreat can make such a difference, not only to our personal prayer life, but also in our family.

To Carry Each Other's Burdens - Blessed Is She

To Carry Each Other's Burdens

A couple of years ago, one of my co-workers from the TV station where I was working, passed away. It seemed very sudden. We knew he had cancer, but he...
A Simple Prayer - Blessed Is She

A Simple Prayer

Imagine peering through a magnifying glass at a small object, a leaf or a flower. The impulse of the human condition is to look closely, ever more closely at this...
The Litany of Daily Life - Blessed Is She

The Litany of Daily Life

So many stories feature heroes who were born for their adventure. And as a Catholic, I encounter so many saints that seem to have innately known exactly what they were...
#BISsisterhood Link-Up // POWER OF PRAYER - Blessed Is She

#BISsisterhood Link-Up // POWER OF PRAYER

Today we are talking about POWER OF PRAYER. St. John Chrysostom once stated, "Prayer is the place of refuge for every worry, a foundation for cheerfulness, a source of constant...
Pray Like a Champion - Blessed Is She

Pray Like a Champion

Prayer can be a very interesting thing. It can comes easily to some; it can be a wrestling match for others. Most often, it falls in the middle for a...
One Year - Blessed Is She

One Year

Molly said it so well in today's devotion, so it's hard to reiterate any more than what she said, other than to be able to share with you some of...
Give Thanks in All Circumstances - Blessed Is She

Give Thanks in All Circumstances

Trusting God. Letting Go. Finding Joy. Those three phrases seem like such simple and easy concepts when you see them written down. I'm the kind of girl who never used...
I Am Here. Come. - Blessed Is She

I Am Here. Come.

Mass with little ones is always chaos. I graduated from a Catholic college, and Mass was the highlight of my day. Really. Depending on my mood, sometimes I liked the...