for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

The Universal Plea of a Parent - Blessed Is She

The Universal Plea of a Parent

After years of downtown driving I have come to the conclusion that no one is comfortable with street corner encounters, usually involving a hand-scribbled note on a cardboard square. I...
Extraordinary Women for Ordinary Time - Blessed Is She

Extraordinary Women for Ordinary Time

I have this friend. This friend is a blogger. A successful blogger. She creates custom tote bags that are bought by the rich and fabulous. Her studio is obviously the...
An Extraordinary Woman: Saint Teresa Benedicta of Cross (Edith Stein) - Blessed Is She

An Extraordinary Woman: Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

Learn how Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross can inspire us to incorporate love, trust, and patience in our daily lives, even when life grows mundane.
Extraordinary Women: Mother Teresa - Blessed Is She

Extraordinary Women: Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa's quotes are gold. She famously once said, "I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts there can be no more pain, and only love."...
Extraordinary Women: St. Theresa of Avila - Blessed Is She

Extraordinary Women: St. Theresa of Avila

St. Theresa of Avila famously said, “From silly devotions and sour-faced saints, good Lord, deliver us!” and “A sad nun is a bad nun!” Like Pope Francis today, she knew...
Extraordinary Women: The Women in Our Lives - Blessed Is She

Extraordinary Women: The Women in Our Lives

Lately, I’ve been fixating on a phrase: perfectly imperfect. As someone with a type B personality, I suppose this confirms for me that I do not need to be perfect....
Extraordinary Women: St. Catherine of Siena - Blessed Is She

Extraordinary Women: St. Catherine of Siena

When I was in eighth grade, my mom told me, “You don’t choose your confirmation saint—it chooses you.” I waved her advice off like any fourteen-year-old, and had my heart...
Extraordinary Women: St. Gianna - Blessed Is She

Extraordinary Women: St. Gianna

St. Gianna Beretta Molla is my homegirl. As a woman quickly approaching her late 20s who is Catholic, called to marriage, and gasp! still single, I find the fact that...
Extraordinary Women for Ordinary Time: Blessed Is She Community - Blessed Is She

Extraordinary Women for Ordinary Time: Blessed Is She Community

We are so happy to have you here. In our Facebook groups and Twitter chats. At Blessed Brunches and the Beauty From Ashes Retreat. No matter where we come together,...
Extraordinary Women for Ordinary Time: St. Clare - Blessed Is She

Extraordinary Women for Ordinary Time: St. Clare

This post originally appeared on Blessed Are The Feet. I need a qualifying clause before I begin this post: This is a post about sacrificial love in marriage. It’s a...
Extraordinary Women for Ordinary Time: St. Therese of Lisieux - Blessed Is She

Extraordinary Women for Ordinary Time: St. Therese of Lisieux

The last six months have been a liturgical whirlwind. Advent sprinted by and ran headlong into Christmas morning. After only five short weeks of Lent, we were thrust into the...
Extraordinary Women for Ordinary Time - Blessed Is She

Extraordinary Women for Ordinary Time

Ordinary Time can often feel like the doldrums of the liturgical year. We aren't preparing for a major feast or in a celebratory season. Summer stretches out ahead of us,...