for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Christmas Octave: Simple and Intentional Liturgical Living

Christmas Octave: Simple and Intentional Liturgical Living

Christmas Day is just the beginning. Here is a list of simple ways to celebrate the birth of Christ throughout the entire Christmas Octave.

The Christmas Angels: How Their Message Uplifts Those Facing Holiday Hardship

The Christmas Angels: How Their Message Uplifts Those Facing Holiday Hardship

The appearances of the angels during the Christmas season are great evidence that no matter what we are going through, God sees us and is sending us heavenly aid.
Three Gifts from Mary, Unwrapped During Advent

Three Gifts from Mary, Unwrapped During Advent

Mary gifted me with three lessons that continue to guide me through the darkness and light, the joys and sorrows, of life. May they be a source of strength and inspiration for you, too.

O Antiphons: A Special Way to Pray During the Last Week of Advent

O Antiphons: A Special Way to Pray During the Last Week of Advent

Looking for a way to renew your prayer this last week of Advent? Meet the O Antiphons!
Praying Through the Hustle and Bustle of the Holidays

Praying Through the Hustle and Bustle of the Holidays

Are you overwhelmed this holiday season? Try one of our eleven tips to help you keep praying in the midst of your hectic holiday schedule.
On the Feast of Saint Nicholas

On the Feast of Saint Nicholas

On the Feast of Saint Nicholas, learn about this generous saint and how his example is the perfect model as we prepare for Christmas.
BIS Reads // A Melody of Love

BIS Reads // A Melody of Love

Blessed Is She reviews a sweet new book, Melody of Love, which makes the perfect bedtime story this Christmas season.
Join Us This Advent for Hope-filled Prayer and a Virtual Gathering

Join Us This Advent for Hope-filled Prayer and a Virtual Gathering

This December, join us for a special Advent gathering, where we will pray together and celebrate our sisterhood.
From Negativity Addict to Ambassador of Hope: An Interview with Liz Kelly Stanchina

From Negativity Addict to Ambassador of Hope: An Interview with Liz Kelly Stanchina

Liz Kelly Stanchina helps readers welcome the virtue of hope and become joyful bearers of hope for a hurting world.
BIS Christmas Gift Guide: Catholic Gifts for Everyone on Your List

BIS Christmas Gift Guide: Catholic Gifts for Everyone on Your List

Blessed Is She is happy to announce its 2024 Christmas gift guide! Get a jump start on holiday shopping and enjoy special savings, so you can enter the season of Advent with peace of mind.
A Season of Hope, A Year of Hope

A Season of Hope, a Year of Hope

As we enter into the season of hope, Advent, let us anticipate the Jubilee Year of Hope and the invitation to bear hope in this world.
Enter Advent with A Thrill of Hope

Enter Advent with A Thrill of Hope

This Advent, Blessed Is She would like to walk with you in hope through our new Advent devotional, A Thrill of Hope.