for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Give + Sow - Blessed Is She

Give + Sow

Lord, teach me to be generous, To serve You as You deserve, To give and not to count the cost, To fight and not to head the wounds, To toil...
Maturing in Faith: Childish vs. Childlike Faith - Blessed Is She

Maturing in Faith: Childish vs. Childlike Faith

I frequently contemplate the gift of genuine faith, and how it is the foundation of our lives. Yet, so many things yield to mold our faith. For example, different virtues...
When Did I Get to Be Middle-Aged? - Blessed Is She

When Did I Get to Be Middle-Aged?

It happens at odd times. I’ll look in the car mirror and discover that a few of the hairs above my ear have turned white. Or I’ll do the math...
Open + Move - Blessed Is She

Open + Move

I have studied many times The marble which was chiseled for me-- A boat with a furled sail at rest in a harbor. In truth it pictures not my destination...
Galentine's Day for Catholic Gals - Blessed Is She

Galentine's Day for Catholic Gals

It’s time for another one of my favorite things ever! Let’s take a current cultural trend and make it Catholic! *applause* Some of you may be familiar with the term...
Prayer Pledge 2018: Wrap Up // Night Prayer Excerpt - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge 2018: Wrap Up // Night Prayer Excerpt

From the Gospel Canticle of Night Prayer (The Liturgy of the Hours) Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake; watch over us as we sleep, that awake, we may keep...
Everything You Need to Know About Catholic Bible Journaling (Tools + Resources) - Blessed Is She

Everything You Need to Know About Catholic Bible Journaling (Tools + Resources)

You've received your Blessed Is She Bible. You've flipped through its pages and familiarized yourself with the layout. Now, you want start Bible journaling. But you've never done it before, and...
Prayer Pledge 2018: Wrap Up // The Angelus - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge 2018: Wrap Up // The Angelus

The Angelus The Angel of the Lord declared to Mary: And she conceived of the Holy Spirit. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou...
Prayer Pledge 2018: Wrap Up // The Morning Offering - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge 2018: Wrap Up // The Morning Offering

The Morning Offering O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day for all the intentions of your Sacred...
Becoming the Palace of God - Blessed Is She

Becoming the Palace of God

Most of the time when I receive Jesus in a tiny white host, I wish that I could just hold Him in the palm of my hands a little bit...
The 2018 FOCUS Student Leadership Summit (SLS) - Blessed Is She

The 2018 FOCUS Student Leadership Summit (SLS)

I spent my college years at a small state school without much of a Newman Center. I found some community at the Baptist Student Union, went to daily Mass when...
Prayer Pledge 2018: Supplication // Day 5 - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge 2018: Supplication // Day 5

A Prayer for Priests and Bishops O God, who has appointed Your only-begotten Son to be the eternal High Priest for the glory of Your Majesty and the salvation of...