for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Resigned or Consenting? - Blessed Is She

Resigned or Consenting?

When I am struggling with a situation, if I can express what I’m feeling in words, I can then move forward. It was a particularly trying time—coming to grips with...
Stars + Steel - Blessed Is She

Stars + Steel

Bright stars, yellow stars, flashing through the air, Are you errant strands of Lady Mary's hair? As she slits the cloudy veil and bends down through, Do you fall across...
Incorporating Faith Into Fitness and Fitness Into Faith - Blessed Is She

Incorporating Faith Into Fitness and Fitness Into Faith

Love turns work into rest. -St. Teresa of Avila Have you ever experienced this? Have you ever worked on something that didn’t feel like work? In fact, it gave you...
Spiritually Weathering Insomnia - Blessed Is She

Spiritually Weathering Insomnia

We've all had those moments when we just felt too tired to pray. It's a battle to stay focused, to stay engaged, or just to stay awake. I've struggled through...
Being Catholic in the Workplace - Blessed Is She

Being Catholic in the Workplace

It's easy to reduce our work or our job down to something that simply pays the bills, keeps the house clean and running, and checks off the next box. But...
What St. Maximilian Kolbe Taught Me About Forgiveness - Blessed Is She

What St. Maximilian Kolbe Taught Me About Forgiveness

I am sure many of you have special relationships with different saints for a variety of reasons. Maybe you feel they are a spiritual big brother or sister, or perhaps...
Mid-Year Goal Setting - Blessed Is She

Mid-Year Goal Setting

I have never been one for New Year’s resolutions. I have nothing against them, of course. I just always felt that you can start at any time to make improvements...
I Couldn't Relate to Our Lady Until I Discovered This - Blessed Is She

I Couldn't Relate to Our Lady Until I Discovered This

Growing up Catholic, I've always been familiar and comfortable with the Blessed Virgin Mary. I understood and affirmed her role within the life of Christ and the life of the...
Enter + Approach - Blessed Is She

Enter + Approach

The "door of faith" (Acts 14:27) is always open for us, ushering us into the life of communion with God and offering entry into his Church. It is possible to...
Growing Through Holy Hurt - Blessed Is She

Growing Through Holy Hurt

We live in a tumultuous time. Stories of heartache and disaster fill our newsfeeds and an edge of hostility runs through everything from politics to popular culture. It would be...
Why Self-Compassion is Important for Living Our Faith - Blessed Is She

Why Self-Compassion is Important for Living Our Faith

You forgot to prep dinner before you left for work...again. Now, you have to whip together dinner, do the laundry, and prepare for tomorrow instead enjoying of the relaxing evening...
A Life-Changing Prayer of Surrender - Blessed Is She

A Life-Changing Prayer of Surrender

There is was again. That all-too-familiar restlessness that sometimes overtakes me. If I’m working, I want to be a stay-at-home mom; and if I’m at home I want to work....