for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Weekly Wallpaper // 172 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 172

Christ, our paschal lamb, has been sacrificed; let us then feast with joy in the Lord. Alleluia, alleluia. // 1 Corinthians 5:7-8 Thank you for these beautiful free wallpapers from...
What's Next After Advent and Lent? - Blessed Is She

What's Next After Advent and Lent?

If you have enjoyed walking through Lent or Advent with the thousands of other women doing the Blessed is She liturgical journals, you may be wondering what's next. How can...
Remembering Your Journey: A Practical Way to Strengthen Your Faith and Encourage Others - Blessed Is She

Remembering Your Journey: A Practical Way to Strengthen Your Faith and Encourage Others

Have you ever thought about your testimony? Have you sat down to reflect and remember what rivers and valleys—even mountains—you’ve crossed with God? If you’re clear on your “story”, have...
Byzantine Catholic Tradition + Liturgy - Blessed Is She

Byzantine Catholic Tradition + Liturgy

You might have heard that there are various rites within the Catholic Church, but you might not be sure what exactly that means. In order to more fully understand the...
Living Faithfully and Fruitfully When Your Spouse Doesn't Share Your Faith - Blessed Is She

Living Faithfully and Fruitfully When Your Spouse Doesn't Share Your Faith

So your spouse isn’t Catholic. Or he was, but he doesn’t practice anymore. Do you ever scroll through Catholic social media feeling as though you’re never going to live up...
Weekly Wallpaper // 170 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 170

Remember not the events of the past, the things of long ago consider not; see, I am doing something new! // Isaiah 43:19 Thank you for these beautiful free wallpapers...
Catholicism in Military Life - Blessed Is She

Catholicism in Military Life

In our seven years of marriage, my husband and I have spent over two years apart. My husband has deployed four times in those seven years. I went through those...
What is a Mother's Blessing? - Blessed Is She

What is a Mother's Blessing?

Here’s a little baby shower game for you: let’s list the very worst things about a traditional baby shower. Ready? The relentlessly perky atmosphere? The obligation to purchase a bushel...
Celebrating National Poetry Month with the Saints - Blessed Is She

Celebrating National Poetry Month with the Saints

I appreciate that our nation dedicates the entire month of April to celebrating poetry. Every spring when April rolls around, I relish in reading my favorite poems, most of which...
First Reconciliation (a Poem) - Blessed Is She

First Reconciliation (a Poem)

An Act of Contrition With a cynical heart, I stand obediently in church, Holding my young son’s hand, In line with other adults whose hearts May or may not be...
Weekly Wallpaper // 169 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 169

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the stalwart one who takes refuge in him. // Psalm 34:9 Thank you for these beautiful free wallpapers from Sarah...
What Beauty Does for Our Souls - Blessed Is She

What Beauty Does for Our Souls

What comes to mind when you think of beauty? Is it a piece of artwork? A glorious landscape? Or is it something more akin to modern society’s standards of beauty...