for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

10 Tips for Starting a Young Adult Ministry - Blessed Is She

10 Tips for Starting a Young Adult Ministry

Young adulthood (college-age into thirties) is really the time where many people either choose the Faith for themselves or walk away entirely. This is an age where many of us...
God's Presence in Us and Others - Blessed Is She

God's Presence in Us and Others

It was a cold, dark winter morning as I drove my quiet boy to the surgical center. I tried to warm up from the chill that was in the air...
What We Hope Women Receive (+ Give) from Misericordia - Blessed Is She

What We Hope Women Receive (+ Give) from Misericordia

One of the central pieces to the mission of Blessed is She is helping women find and create Catholic community. We love our online community, and we've been amazed by...
How to Have a Spiritually Fruitful Summer When Your Kids are Home from School - Blessed Is She

How to Have a Spiritually Fruitful Summer When Your Kids are Home from School

School is out! You can say goodbye to packing lunches, long pick-up lines, homework, and early morning outfit battles. But now what? You have over two months without your kids...
The Ministry of Smiles - Blessed Is She

The Ministry of Smiles

Moving has many advantages that are not easily recognizable when you see the long list of places we have lived. The closets get cleaned out more often, our wardrobes can...
Weekly Wallpaper // 178 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 178

And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord. // Luke 1:45 Happy Feast of the Visitation of...
The Power of Prayer Partners - Blessed Is She

The Power of Prayer Partners

The promising sunshine eased my nerves as my Uber dropped me off at the first Blessed is She retreat in 2016. Uncertain of what to expect, I was handed girly...
Fighting Comparison with Gratitude: On Waiting to Have Kids - Blessed Is She

Fighting Comparison with Gratitude: On Waiting to Have Kids

I’ve heard many times, whether it’s from my spiritual director, my mom, or my own conscience, that comparison is the thief of joy. It robs us of the joy of...
BIS Reads: Be Brave in the Scared - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads: Be Brave in the Scared

If there’s one word I’d use to describe Mary Lenaburg’s writing, it would be “free.” In her social media presence, in her devotions, she is authentic, honest, unafraid of the...
Weekly Wallpaper // 177 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 177

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do...
A Personal Holiness Mnemonic - Blessed Is She

A Personal Holiness Mnemonic

It can be all too easy to look at the world in utter despair. Even as women of faith, we can be tempted to feel profoundly discouraged by the nasty...
A Christian Response to Millennial Burnout: Giving and Receiving Love - Blessed Is She

A Christian Response to Millennial Burnout: Giving and Receiving Love

In January, Anne Helen Peterson called out a disturbing cultural trend in her viral Buzzfeed article "How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation." Peterson explained, "In a marked shift from the...