for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

How Counseling Has Transformed My (Spiritual) Life - Blessed Is She

How Counseling Has Transformed My (Spiritual) Life

I slipped into a quiet and empty chapel near my apartment at my absolute wits end. I’ve written about my struggles with severe PMS, endometriosis, and NFP before. But at...
St. Perpetua: An Early Model for Modern Women - Blessed Is She

St. Perpetua: An Early Model for Modern Women

The first time I heard her story, I had to lift my jaw from the floor. I had asked for an example of a holy woman of God who was...
5 Books to Read Before Your International Mission Trip - Blessed Is She

5 Books to Read Before Your International Mission Trip

“Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19).   This instruction from Jesus has provided the inspiration for thousands of missionaries over the centuries. Attending Catholic school from...
Weekly Wallpaper // 204 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 204

Therefore, stay awake! For you do not know on which day your Lord will come. // Matthew 24:42 Download these beautiful free wallpapers from Brass and Mint Co. from today's...
Love of Poverty and Love of the Poor - Blessed Is She

Love of Poverty and Love of the Poor

It is not filth and hunger that make saints, nor even poverty itself, but love of poverty and love of the poor. -Thomas Merton   It is really possible to...
What are Mass Cards? - Blessed Is She

What are Mass Cards?

On our baptismal days, my husband, my kids, and I know what to expect from my mother- and father-in-law: a card-sized white envelope, our names written on the outside in...
3 Prayers to Say After Receiving Communion - Blessed Is She

3 Prayers to Say After Receiving Communion

My First Holy Communion day was one of the most memorable days of my childhood. I had a private Mass said just for me, and my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and...
Weekly Wallpaper // 202 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 202

But for you who fear my name, there will arise the sun of justice with its healing rays. // Malachi 3:20 Download these beautiful free wallpapers from Abigail Katherine Rose...
Charity is Theology - Blessed Is She

Charity is Theology

During a conversation with a soon-to-be ordained priest, he told me that he looks forward to writing homilies now that he will no longer be giving reflections in class but...
Spiritual Amnesia: The Problem of Forgetting What God Has Done - Blessed Is She

Spiritual Amnesia: The Problem of Forgetting What God Has Done

“I feel so far from Jesus.” Sigh. “If only He would make Himself known to me,” I lamented to my husband as I collapsed in a heap onto our bed....
Weekly Wallpaper // 201 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 201

He is not God of the dead, but of the living. // Luke 20:38a Download these beautiful free wallpapers from Sarah Ann Design from today's readings. Let His word dwell...
Making Friends with the Saints - Blessed Is She

Making Friends with the Saints

Following Christ sometimes feels like a lonely road as we make career decisions that cause people to scratch their heads, as we date or lead our families counter-culturally, and as...