for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Scripture Verses to Pray When You're Stressed - Blessed Is She

Scripture Verses to Pray When You're Stressed

Stress is a normal part of life. It can be difficult to manage it, but thankfully there are many verses from the Bible that offer guidance on how to deal...
The Women at the Tomb - Blessed Is She

The Women at the Tomb

Throughout the centuries, many arguments disregarding the validity of the Resurrection have emerged. In fact, the various explanations began on the very day in history that Christ rose (see Matthew...
My Spiritual Father, My Priest - Blessed Is She

My Spiritual Father, My Priest

My own earthly father (whom I love very much) was, out of his own brokenness, ill-equipped to be a spiritual father. Growing up, my dad claimed he didn’t believe in...
The Seven Churches Pilgrimage for Holy Thursday - Blessed Is She

The Seven Churches Pilgrimage for Holy Thursday

“ …About to hand Himself over to death, [He] entrusted to the Church a sacrifice new for all eternity, the banquet of His love…” The opening prayer for the Mass...
Hope, Anyway - Blessed Is She

Hope, Anyway

I’m a big fan of Spiderman and all the Spiderman movies. I love the action, the characters, the morals, and the dialogue. One part of the movies that has stuck...
Easter Basket Ideas for Kids - Blessed Is She

Easter Basket Ideas for Kids

Growing up, my Easter basket was filled solely with candy. I loved it! After fasting from candy and sweets for almost six weeks, a basket of candy was a welcomed...
5 Common Mistakes in Discernment (and How to Avoid Them) - Blessed Is She

5 Common Mistakes in Discernment (and How to Avoid Them)

I was in Adoration on retreat at age 16, tears running down my face while I asked Jesus if I should be a nun. “Just tell me,” I begged, with...
Making Difficult Life-Changing Decisions - Blessed Is She

Making Difficult Life-Changing Decisions

I couldn’t believe what I had just heard: “Be open to discerning everything all over again.” How could this be happening? I did everything correctly. I left my almost two-year-long...
Creative Ways to Give Alms this Lent - Blessed Is She

Creative Ways to Give Alms this Lent

Is almsgiving something you practice seasonally during Advent and Lent? Is almsgiving something you give more thought to when the priest reminds you of the needs of the parish and...
Having Another Kid Without Losing It - Blessed Is She

Having Another Kid Without Losing It

I run into many people who can’t believe I have “so many” kids. Whether at the grocery store, at the library, at church, or at public gatherings or parties, people...
Fasting Ideas for Those Who Shouldn't Fast from Food - Blessed Is She

Fasting Ideas for Those Who Shouldn't Fast from Food

Looking back at past Lents, I can recall doing Whole30, giving up alcohol, giving up sweets, and then there were a couple of years when I didn't up food at...
40 Short Bible Verses to Memorize for Lent - Blessed Is She

40 Short Bible Verses to Memorize for Lent

Our annual season of fasting and repentance is days away. Many of us have yet to determine what we will do to foster a closer relationship with God during this...