for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Saints Who Lived at the Same Time - Blessed Is She

Saints Who Lived at the Same Time

As a summer girl at heart, I do not need a lot of encouragement to celebrate. Hot days, stormy afternoons, fireworks, ice cream ... I am in! And, I am...
Saint Alphonsus Liguori + Rheumatoid Arthritis - Blessed Is She

Saint Alphonsus Liguori + Rheumatoid Arthritis

I was nineteen and it all happened very gradually. First I was noticing achy knees and feet, but thought it was due to all of the running I had been...
Martha, Martha // Anxious and Worried about Many Things - Blessed Is She

Martha, Martha // Anxious and Worried about Many Things

One time, I snapped at my husband about the day’s Gospel reading. We didn’t hold opposing beliefs. We didn’t interpret a fundamental teaching differently. We simply read the words uttered...
Meeting at the Golden Gate // Saints Joachim and Anne - Blessed Is She

Meeting at the Golden Gate // Saints Joachim and Anne

Imagine having to learn Scripture, not through paging through the pages of your Bible, but by walking into your church and viewing its artwork. The Legend of St. Joachim, Meeting...
The Thing that Happened in Between - Blessed Is She

The Thing that Happened in Between

“I was one way … and now I am completely different. And the thing that happened in between … was Him.” These are my favorite lines from Season 1 of...
BIS Reads // Millennial Nuns by The Daughters of St. Paul - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads // Millennial Nuns by The Daughters of St. Paul

On the night before He suffered, Jesus prayed for His disciples, who were "in the world" but who belonged entirely to Him (see John 17). This call of radical discipleship...
Pilgrims Persistent in Prayer - Blessed Is She

Pilgrims Persistent in Prayer

Since early in the new year, I have been tuning in to Father Mike Schmitz’s Bible in a Year Podcast. Recently, we heard the Gospel of Mark. Over and over...
REMEMBER Series // Finding Friendships - Blessed Is She

REMEMBER Series // Finding Friendships

Welcome to our Remember series, where we pause to reflect on how God has proven faithful in the past so to help us place our trust in Him in the...
Saint Marguerite Bays // From Seamstress to “Godmother” - Blessed Is She

Saint Marguerite Bays // From Seamstress to “Godmother”

Marguerite Bays was born to a farming family in Switzerland in 1815, the second of seven children. She grew up helping her parents with household chores and gardening. In her...
On the Feast of Saint Charles Lwanga and Companions - Blessed Is She

On the Feast of Saint Charles Lwanga and Companions

Everyone loves the stories of the young hero/heroine. Our hearts swell along with the music when justice is done and good conquers evil. Really, we need these stories to remind...
“Live Holy the Present Moment” // Why I Love St. Gianna’s Advice - Blessed Is She

“Live Holy the Present Moment” // Why I Love St. Gianna’s Advice

Saint Gianna is one of my favorite Saints. The pediatrician, wife, and mother knew well what modern life entails, balancing work and prayer in the mid-20th century—and she did it...
Friendship on the Feast of the Visitation - Blessed Is She

Friendship on the Feast of the Visitation

We were on our usual weekend double date when Angie told us she was pregnant, her first. I was pregnant too, four months, my second. Our husbands beamed as we...