for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Homeless Outreach During the Summer - Blessed Is She

Homeless Outreach During the Summer

Imagine it is a hot day, one of those time-stands-still-sweat-pouring-out-of-you kind of days. You go to reach in your bag for the thermos you filled with ice and cold water...
REMAIN Series // Living in the Longing - Blessed Is She

REMAIN Series // Living in the Longing

As I sat in the back of the empty desert chapel, I remembered I was not alone, but with Jesus. I let my tears fall and with them, my grasping...
To Mother and to Grieve - Blessed Is She

To Mother and to Grieve

My husband and I were only four months into our marriage when we suffered our first miscarriage. We had so many hopes and so much excitement. After one week of...
On Thomas + Divine Mercy - Blessed Is She

On Thomas + Divine Mercy

Every Divine Mercy Sunday, I am filled with gratitude for the Gospel that is read at Mass. I have always deeply loved the Apostle Thomas. His exclamation to the other...
Making Difficult Life-Changing Decisions - Blessed Is She

Making Difficult Life-Changing Decisions

I couldn’t believe what I had just heard: “Be open to discerning everything all over again.” How could this be happening? I did everything correctly. I left my almost two-year-long...