for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Who's on First in a Marriage Vocation? - Blessed Is She

Who's on First in a Marriage Vocation?

I once asked a priest, “If we are called to total unity with God and, yet, a person is called to unity with a spouse, is total unity with God...
How to Overcome Guilt - Blessed Is She

How to Overcome Guilt

I still remember the hurt. The pain I had as a young girl. Some girls from my class called me to say they were having a sleepover and I wasn’t...
When You Don't Feel "Catholic-Catholic" - Blessed Is She

When You Don't Feel "Catholic-Catholic"

God led me to her, who led me to Blessed is She, who will walk me back home. I think I might be the kind of woman the sisterhood here...
A Method of Mental Prayer - Blessed Is She

A Method of Mental Prayer

I have recently realized that I’ve been praying the same way my entire life. It’s starting to feel like I’m running on a treadmill. I’m getting exercise, so it’s not...
The Beauty of Being "Good Enough" - Blessed Is She

The Beauty of Being "Good Enough"

I always felt unremarkable, which I think I could have been okay with if the world didn’t always send messages that made me feel as if ordinary was an outrage....
5 Ways to Know Yourself and Your Gifts Better - Blessed Is She

5 Ways to Know Yourself and Your Gifts Better

A year ago it hit me. I woke up in the realization that I was *finally* in a different place. It was like the fog had lifted and the clouds...
Why Slow Prayer is Necessary - Blessed Is She

Why Slow Prayer is Necessary

Looking out my kitchen window, I witness the glory of God on display each day. I am certain that you can say the same thing from wherever you are reading...
Continue SEEKing the Lord After the SEEK Conference - Blessed Is She

Continue SEEKing the Lord After the SEEK Conference

Indianapolis was cold, am I right? I mean, this California girl had to wear a scarf for a legit reason…I was freezing! But what kept me warm was not the...
Being a Great Mom in Jesus' Eyes - Blessed Is She

Being a Great Mom in Jesus' Eyes

I’ve got exactly nine minutes until I should be pulling out of my driveway. One minute less than 10 to pump, change into work clothes, do my hair, throw on...
Chasing Dreams: Whatever It Takes? - Blessed Is She

Chasing Dreams: Whatever It Takes?

A friend of mine thinks if someone has a dream, they would do whatever it takes to make it happen. That perspective made me tired. Or maybe I am tired...
Weeding the Garden of My Soul - Blessed Is She

Weeding the Garden of My Soul

Last spring, my husband and I invested in a new backyard. Once a meadow of unruly weeds and improperly pruned trees, our yard was transformed into our personal paradise. It...
How to Have a Fun and Holy New Year's Eve - Blessed Is She

How to Have a Fun and Holy New Year's Eve

One of my favorite times of the year is Christmas and New Year’s. The celebration of a new year is rich with hope and new possibilities. There is a sense...