A Season of Hope, a Year of Hope
As we enter into the season of hope, Advent, let us anticipate the Jubilee Year of Hope and the invitation to bear hope in this world.
The Disastrous Mysteries of the Rosary
On today's Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, Blessed Is She reflects on the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary.
How a Relationship with Mary Blesses Women in All Seasons of Life
No matter what season we find ourselves, God in His wisdom gave us Mary, who meets us where we are with the love of a mother.
Marian Summit: Grow Closer to Mary Through Her Ten Virtues
Join us for the Blessed is She Marian Summit, beginning this Thursday, August 15. For three days, we will hear from speakers about the ten virtues of Mary and how we can live these virtues well in our own lives.
Living Virtuously With Mary
The new Blessed Conversations study Home is all about Mary’s virtues, and they are presented in a way that makes it easy for us to put them into practice.
How Can I Really Be Holy?
How can I be holy? Here's a hint: Holiness doesn't have to require a deep understanding of theological terms. Incredible as the intellectual giants of our Catholic tradition are, if...
Mary is a Good Mother
We are so blessed to have a mother in the Blessed Virgin Mary, who offers us a shining lived example of virtue and intimacy with God. However, approaching Mary can feel intimidating, as...
The Antidote to Your Perfectionism: Mary, Your Mother
For some of us, it is difficult to go to Mary, knowing full well that we can't live up to her. After all, she is perfect, she is sinless, she...
A Study on the Virtues of Mary
The start of my devotion to the Blessed Mother Several Mays of my childhood my mother set up a little prayer table with a statue of the Blessed Mother and a...
Actionable Ways to Imitate Mary
It is an easy temptation to turn inward, to procrastinate, to expect and even demand our own instant gratification. Mother Mary is the direct antithesis to our stubborn self-obsession. Gently,...
Marie et la femme mariée
J'ai traversé des saisons dans ma vie où j'ai lutté dans ma relation avec Mary. Il y a eu de nombreuses fois où elle semblait distante ou sans rapport, et...
MYSTERE : Découvrir la Profondeur du Rosaire
Peut-être que la meilleure personne pour nous enseigner la vie de Christ est sa mère, Marie. Après tout, elle était là avec Lui depuis le moment de l'Incarnation jusqu'à Son...