for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

What Impressionism Paintings Teach Us About Prayer - Blessed Is She

What Impressionism Paintings Teach Us About Prayer

Praying with Art (& How We Designed the 2024-2025 Liturgical Planner) This year in the Blessed is She Catholic Liturgical Planner, we're asking the Lord to help us see His...
How I Use My Blessed Is She Liturgical Planner - Blessed Is She

Comment j'utilise mon planificateur liturgique bienheureuse est-elle

D'aussi loin que je me souvienne, j'ai été un amoureux du papier - papeterie, autocollants, journal, planificateurs, etc. Soupir. ;-) Les choses n'ont pas changé, alors quand le nouveau Blessed...