for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

What the August Saints Proclaim about the August Queen

What the August Saints Proclaim about the August Queen

August is a special month to honor Mary as it is traditionally dedicated to her Immaculate Heart. One could even say that she is our “August Queen.” Many of the August Saints of the liturgical calendar not only had devotions to Mary, but they also had ministries in which they encouraged others to love her as well.

Ten Things You May Not Know about Saint Mark - Blessed Is She

Ten Things You May Not Know about Saint Mark

Our faith tells us that names are the icon of the person. This means that our names reveal a core truth about our identity. Saint Mark the Evangelist’s name is...
When Wildlife Proclaims God's Handiwork - Blessed Is She

When Wildlife Proclaims God's Handiwork

10 Animals (and Saints) God Used to Show His Glory  There’s a line in the Gospels after Jesus calms a storm that always sends me into contemplating this question: “Who...
World Poetry Day Featuring The Saints - Blessed Is She

World Poetry Day Featuring The Saints

Pious Musings from the Saints There’s a quote from the English philosopher and writer Aldous Huxley in which he claims, "After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible...
Baby Names For The Year of Prayer - Blessed Is She

Baby Names For The Year of Prayer

In preparation for 2025 as a Jubilee Year, Pope Francis declared 2024 to be the Year of Prayer in the hopes that the faithful will rediscover the centrality of prayer...
FAQs about Guardian Angels - Blessed Is She

FAQs about Guardian Angels

We humans, even though we are composed of both a physical body and a spiritual soul, sometimes struggle to comprehend truth that cannot be detected by our five physical senses....
The Archangels and Three Saints Who Knew Them - Blessed Is She

The Archangels and Three Saints Who Knew Them

The Bible is filled with stories depicting the power and strength of the angels. Of all these tales, only three of these angelic persons are revealed by name. Saint Michael,...
Humor and Holiness - Blessed Is She

Humor and Holiness

In my first year of teaching, a student asked sincerely, “Did Jesus ever smile?” It elicited a dual inner reaction. On the one hand, it made me want to chuckle...
The Power of Corpus Christi In My Life - Blessed Is She

The Power of Corpus Christi In My Life

One aspect of the Church I have always found comforting is her timing. The Church makes proclamations of light and truth amidst the darkness and confusion of certain time periods....
Ten Things to Know about St. James the Lesser - Blessed Is She

Ten Things to Know about St. James the Lesser

An understanding of the ancient role of discipleship is somewhat unknown in the modern world. Disciples were majorly important to the Jewish faith and culture. Their objective was to imitate...
The Reunion of Jesus and Saint Joseph - Blessed Is She

The Reunion of Jesus and Saint Joseph

There is no denying that the Liturgical Year of Saint Joseph shed a spotlight on the humble Nazarean carpenter, bringing into greater focus the monumental role this young, virtuous man...
What Does the Number 7 Mean in the Bible? - Blessed Is She

Que signifie le chiffre 7 dans la Bible ?

Il y a quelque chose à propos du chiffre sept. Tout au long des mythes et du folklore, ce nombre a été donné en précédent, considéré comme chanceux ou présenté...