for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Ladies' Night Tips + Ideas - Blessed Is She

Ladies' Night Tips + Ideas

A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter: he that has found one has found a treasure. There is nothing so precious as a faithful friend. -Sirach 6:14-15   Where Two...
How to Have a Spiritually Fruitful Summer When Your Kids are Home from School - Blessed Is She

How to Have a Spiritually Fruitful Summer When Your Kids are Home from School

School is out! You can say goodbye to packing lunches, long pick-up lines, homework, and early morning outfit battles. But now what? You have over two months without your kids...
Father's Day Gift Guide - Blessed Is She

Father's Day Gift Guide

“What do you want for Father’s Day?” “Ummm...nothing. I don’t know. Surprise me.” Am I the only one having this same conversation every May/early June, year after year?! As a...
What (Not) to Say to Your Pro-Choice Friends: An Exhaustive Resource for Pro-Life Arguments - Blessed Is She

What (Not) to Say to Your Pro-Choice Friends: An Exhaustive Resource for Pro-Life Arguments

One gray, spring morning, some friends and I were praying outside an abortion clinic when a young couple with heavy faces came walking towards us. The man had his arm...
BIS Reads: Be Brave in the Scared - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads: Be Brave in the Scared

If there’s one word I’d use to describe Mary Lenaburg’s writing, it would be “free.” In her social media presence, in her devotions, she is authentic, honest, unafraid of the...
Holy Orders Ordination Gift Guide - Blessed Is She

Holy Orders Ordination Gift Guide

May is the typical month for ordination to Holy Orders within the Church, which means for weeks now, families and friends of those being ordained have probably been wondering what...
A Litany for Female Friendships - Blessed Is She

A Litany for Female Friendships

I was scrolling through social media and came across a meme that read: Your circle should want you to win. Your circle should clap the loudest when you have good...
Embracing the Millennial Catholic Mission - Blessed Is She

Embracing the Millennial Catholic Mission

It’s no secret that fewer and fewer millennials attend Mass and identify as practicing Catholics. To some, this may seem like a crisis. To others, this may seem like a...
On Caring for the Earth: Living Earth Day as Catholics - Blessed Is She

On Caring for the Earth: Living Earth Day as Catholics

Happy Earth Day! Perhaps you’re wondering what this secular holiday has to do with the modern Catholic woman. A lot, in fact! The discussion about creation is not a new...
What's Next After Advent and Lent? - Blessed Is She

What's Next After Advent and Lent?

If you have enjoyed walking through Lent or Advent with the thousands of other women doing the Blessed is She liturgical journals, you may be wondering what's next. How can...
What is a Mother's Blessing? - Blessed Is She

What is a Mother's Blessing?

Here’s a little baby shower game for you: let’s list the very worst things about a traditional baby shower. Ready? The relentlessly perky atmosphere? The obligation to purchase a bushel...
Confirmation Gift Guide - Blessed Is She

Confirmation Gift Guide

“Angela, be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit,” Bishop Kelleher said to me on that spring day in 1991. “Amen,” I answered. “Peace be with you.” “And also...