for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Galentine's Day for Catholic Gals - Blessed Is She

Galentine's Day for Catholic Gals

It’s time for another one of my favorite things ever! Let’s take a current cultural trend and make it Catholic! *applause* Some of you may be familiar with the term...
Entertaining Angels: Christian Hospitality at Christmas - Blessed Is She

Entertaining Angels: Christian Hospitality at Christmas

Let me tell you a little story. Maybe you’ve heard it before, but stick with me. There once was a lovely couple expecting a baby. For reasons beyond their control,...
How to Evangelize Through Hospitality and Delight - Blessed Is She

How to Evangelize Through Hospitality and Delight

The Lord speaks to our hearts in innumerable ways, and delighting the senses is an ideal way to evangelize through hospitality. Imagine flying ten hours overseas with overcoming jet lag...
How to Host a No-Stress "Friendsgiving" - Blessed Is She

How to Host a No-Stress "Friendsgiving"

I love Thanksgiving. I love the meal planning and preparation, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, the football on TV, and of course, the family time! In addition to the big...
Of Meinrad and Mashed Potatoes: Keeping the Peace During the Holidays - Blessed Is She

Of Meinrad and Mashed Potatoes: Keeping the Peace During the Holidays

Practicing hospitality is a Biblical encouragement that we, as Christians, should strive to execute. But it can be difficult to practice when it comes to holiday gatherings. Family and friend...
Why and How to Host the BIS Advent Gathering - Blessed Is She

Why and How to Host the BIS Advent Gathering

I’m an introvert through and through, but I’m also created for fellowship and connection. In my adult years, this yearning in my heart for connection with other women has pushed...
A Josemaría Escrivá-Inspired Dinner Party - Blessed Is She

A Josemaría Escrivá-Inspired Dinner Party

One of my favorite things about summer is the gatherings with family and friends. I love having the people I care about the most sitting around a table laughing, talking,...
Tender October - Blessed Is She

Tender October

There is something about the long, slow pace of a fall unfolding with unhurried grandeur that softens my defenses against the coming of colder days. Hot afternoons, crisp nights, crickets...
Extraordinary Women for Ordinary Time: Blessed Is She Community - Blessed Is She

Extraordinary Women for Ordinary Time: Blessed Is She Community

We are so happy to have you here. In our Facebook groups and Twitter chats. At Blessed Brunches and the Beauty From Ashes Retreat. No matter where we come together,...