for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

BiS Reads // Wounded Healer - Blessed Is She

BiS Reads // Wounded Healer

You likely don’t need any reminders that May is jam-packed with celebrations and events, ranging from milestones like graduations and the end of the school year to Memorial Day,  Mental...
The Patron Saint of the Birdbath - Blessed Is She

The Patron Saint of the Birdbath

I just about coughed out my coffee while chatting with a friend and lifelong Franciscan when I heard her casually mention how one-dimensional Saint Francis of Assisi had become—reduced to...
Female Doctors of the Church - Blessed Is She

Female Doctors of the Church

If you are like me, occasions like International Women’s Month bring to mind a vast number of women and the work they are about in the world: religious Sisters, moms,...
Entering Into Lent With the Shepherd and the Lamb - Blessed Is She

Entering Into Lent With the Shepherd and the Lamb

Here in Denver, the National Western Stock Show is a big annual event and has been happening  since 1906. It begins with an iconic parade of Longhorns through the streets...
The Lord's Unexpected Love - Blessed Is She

The Lord's Unexpected Love

Baptism can conjure up all sorts of images for us: perhaps the Baptism of a child, the reception of a loved one into the Church on Easter Vigil, or your...
Emulating Saint John's Proximity To Jesus - Blessed Is She

Emulating Saint John's Proximity To Jesus

Perhaps the most fitting snapshot to begin a conversation on Saint John, the “beloved disciple,” is by looking at the first and last sentences of his Gospel account: “In the...
Mother Frances Cabrini - Blessed Is She

Mother Frances Cabrini

A surprising thing happened on March 10, 2020. The state of Colorado declared October 2 Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini Day. Such a declaration was a first on many levels, but...
At What Cost?: Intentional Purchasing - Blessed Is She

At What Cost?: Intentional Purchasing

On an errand for carpet cleaner this morning, I stopped into a store known for their low prices. It was one of those rare occasions where I had one thing...
The Sound of Freedom Review - Blessed Is She

The Sound of Freedom Review

I am particularly delighted any time there is something that moves the human heart for which no algorithm can give an account. Now and then a movie comes out that...
The Bee-attitudes - Blessed Is She

The Bee-attitudes

Patron Saints of Beekeeping The third Sunday in August is celebrated as National Honey Bee Day in the United States. Honeybees have become more or less a darling of conservationist...
RETURN Series // Gathering To Spread the Good News - Blessed Is She

RETURN Series // Gathering To Spread the Good News

“Go, and announce the Gospel of the Lord!” More often than not, this is how we are sent forth from Mass. A friend of ours says jokingly that a better...
RETURN Series // The Tennis Match - Blessed Is She

RETURN Series // The Tennis Match

On the surface, the Parable of the Prodigal Son is a story of returning. Dig a little deeper and you will be captivated by the beautiful illustration of the nature...