for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Let’s Make the Space // An Invitation to a College Women’s Bible Study - Blessed Is She

Let’s Make the Space // An Invitation to a College Women’s Bible Study

Hi friend! I’m Monica, and I want to grow in prayer and friendship with you! If you, like me, are a college student (or maybe just graduated last month!) —...
How Praying with Scripture Transforms Our Lives - Blessed Is She

How Praying with Scripture Transforms Our Lives

As Catholics, we are blessed with the rich treasure of Scripture and Tradition that guides our faith. The Bible, the living and active Word of God, is the foundation upon...
Ten Steps to Creating a Catholic Small Group - Blessed Is She

Ten Steps to Creating a Catholic Small Group

Years ago I was on a journey to find like-minded Catholic friends. I had been meeting with a small group for a few years but never quite connected on a...
The Most Important Resolution of Them All - Blessed Is She

The Most Important Resolution of Them All

In 2014, Blessed is She began as a little seed in my heart—a desire to read Scripture alongside other Catholic women as well as share about the beauties and the...
Listening To The Word of God - Blessed Is She

Listening To The Word of God

Saint Jerome, the great biblical scholar, is probably most well known for his quote “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” St. Jerome translated the Bible into the Latin Vulgate...
What Does the Number 7 Mean in the Bible? - Blessed Is She

What Does the Number 7 Mean in the Bible?

There is something about the number seven. Throughout myths and folklore this number has been given precedent, considered lucky, or presented as possessing innate magical qualities. A quick scan of...