for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

The Basilica at Bethlehem - Blessed Is She

The Basilica at Bethlehem

Last December I felt I was entering in to the season of Advent in a deeper way than previous years. It was a time for me in which I intentionally...
Starting Extended Family Sunday Dinners - Blessed Is She

Starting Extended Family Sunday Dinners

“Just do it,” my friend said. “You’ll be glad you did.” We were talking about her family’s commitment to gathering on Sunday evenings for dinner. I told her my husband...
Decluttering Before Christmas - Blessed Is She

Decluttering Before Christmas

“Let every heart prepare Him room.” It’s one of my all-time favorite lines from one of my all-time favorite Christmas songs. I tend to think about it all season long...
The Importance of Mealtime Prayer - Blessed Is She

The Importance of Mealtime Prayer

“Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest, and let these gifts to us be blessed. Amen.” That was the mealtime prayer I grew up with in my God-filled Lutheran home. Other...
Forming Holiday Traditions that are Rooted in the Faith - Blessed Is She

Forming Holiday Traditions that are Rooted in the Faith

Walk into any store or tune into any radio station, and you would think Christmas is next week. The minute Halloween is over, Christmas is here. Never mind that it’s...
BIS Reads: Theology of Home - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads: Theology of Home

There is something magnetic and enchanting about old Italian families who for generations have produced wine, cheese, or olive oil. Whatever the endeavor, current members speak with pride of the...
Ideas for Incorporating Catholic Art into Your Home, No Matter Your Style - Blessed Is She

Ideas for Incorporating Catholic Art into Your Home, No Matter Your Style

For years, the only Catholic “art” on display in my home was a handful of crucifixes. My husband and I strategically hung them so one was always in view no...
Liturgical Living for Beginners: Start with Food - Blessed Is She

Liturgical Living for Beginners: Start with Food

Who doesn’t love the idea of liturgical living—of bringing fun, beauty, and deliciousness into our homes according to the rhythms of the liturgical year? It stirs excitement, creativity, a sense...
A Letter to the First-Time College Student - Blessed Is She

A Letter to the First-Time College Student

Dear First-Time College Student (words I wish I had heard at the dawn of my college experience), I am so excited to hear that you are headed to college soon....
Embracing Imperfect Hosting - Blessed Is She

Embracing Imperfect Hosting

Summer and community go hand in hand. Whether it's neighborhood block parties, Fourth of July cookouts, feast day celebrations with other Catholic families, or coffee with friends, some of the...
Foodie Shows to Watch on Netflix (and How They Show Us the Beauty of Creation + Community) - Blessed Is She

Foodie Shows to Watch on Netflix (and How They Show Us the Beauty of Creation + Community)

I like food, especially a good sweet treat. But I know I need the personal accountability of a plan like following Weight Watchers. I find it helps me have a...
I Have MS, But God Has Me - Blessed Is She

I Have MS, But God Has Me

It started with numb feet and fatigue. But when you are living in Arizona, 120-degree summers made everyone fatigued. Numb feet led to my legs feeling chronically asleep, which eventually...