for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

The Feast of St. Blaise + the Blessing of the Throats - Blessed Is She

The Feast of St. Blaise + the Blessing of the Throats

Although any farm-kid will tell you that there are limitations to being tied to the land, I have always romanticized it. I love the stability and commitment to a particular...
4 Ways to Find Leisure in an Over-Scheduled World - Blessed Is She

4 Ways to Find Leisure in an Over-Scheduled World

I don’t find it coincidental that today we find phrases like Breathe and Slow Down on the front of t-shirts, coffee mugs, and other assorted paraphernalia. Our societal “keep up...
Tips for Coming Home from College - Blessed Is She

Tips for Coming Home from College

Finals are over! You can smell the home cooking over the dirty laundry in your luggage awaiting a quarter-less washing machine at home. Your bed—not the dorm bed you have...
How to Deal with Difficult Family Members During the Holidays - Blessed Is She

How to Deal with Difficult Family Members During the Holidays

The holiday season is my favorite time of year. I remember childhood memories of our favorite family traditions—everything from camping out watching holiday movies in the living room to baking...
Catholic Women Speakers | Blessed is She Team Members - Blessed Is She

Catholic Women Speakers | Blessed is She Team Members

When it comes to planning an event, conference, or parish night for Catholic women, there are so many details to handle and decisions to make. At the top of that...
Why I Don't Use Contraception (and the Benefits of NFP) - Blessed Is She

Why I Don't Use Contraception (and the Benefits of NFP)

The Church teaches us how to be good, holy, and loving. She allows us to grow in our relationship with Christ and one another. As a part of this mission,...
BIS Reads: It's OK to Start with You - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads: It's OK to Start with You

Women, more than men, in their desire to give relationally, tend to want to give without taking. Women want to suffer their boundaries in the name of love and let...
A Busy Mom Uses the Blessed is She Liturgical Planner - Blessed Is She

A Busy Mom Uses the Blessed is She Liturgical Planner

Many moons ago, when I was in college, I loved getting my new planner along with my books every fall. The blank pages were so inviting, so intriguing. I relished...
BIS Reads: One Beautiful Dream - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads: One Beautiful Dream

I have to admit, I am new to the Jennifer Fulwiler fan club. I recently discovered Mrs. Fulwiler through the Fountains of Carrots podcast. I was immediately sold on her...
15 Minutes a Day: Cultivating Our Passions - Blessed Is She

15 Minutes a Day: Cultivating Our Passions

When my daughter, Holly, was about two years old, we were sitting on the carpet drawing with crayons on a jumbo drawing pad. She was an avid Frozen fan, so...
RICE: Like Physical Therapy, But for Your Soul - Blessed Is She

RICE: Like Physical Therapy, But for Your Soul

I was feeling a little under the weather. Have you ever wondered about the origin of the idiom “under the weather”? The consensus on a brief and unvetted internet search...
Incorporating Faith Into Fitness and Fitness Into Faith - Blessed Is She

Incorporating Faith Into Fitness and Fitness Into Faith

Love turns work into rest. -St. Teresa of Avila Have you ever experienced this? Have you ever worked on something that didn’t feel like work? In fact, it gave you...