for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

How to Lead a Small Group Remotely + Online - Blessed Is She

How to Lead a Small Group Remotely + Online

Small groups are a wonderful way to build community and connect with other women in your area. Many of you have connected with Catholic women through Blessed Brunches or through...
Spiritual Reading + Prayers in a Time of Quarantine - Blessed Is She

Spiritual Reading + Prayers in a Time of Quarantine

In today's uncertain health climate, many of us find ourselves with more time to read than we've had in a long time. Looking around at what to pick up from...
Mourning the Life You Envisioned - Blessed Is She

Mourning the Life You Envisioned

“Let go of the life you imagined for the life God has ready for you.” How many times have you heard, or read, some version of those words? It seems...
Scripture Verses to Pray When You Have the Winter Blues - Blessed Is She

Scripture Verses to Pray When You Have the Winter Blues

It was the first full week of January. My children were back in school, and life was slowly returning to normal after a fun, but unstructured, Christmas break. I expected...
Our Lady of Lourdes and Redemptive Suffering - Blessed Is She

Our Lady of Lourdes and Redemptive Suffering

I get into bed after a long day. My feet ache from chasing my three-year-old, preparing meals for the weekend, and running errands. I feel the sharp twinge of pain...
Student Loan Debt + Working in Ministry - Blessed Is She

Student Loan Debt + Working in Ministry

Soon after my conversion in 8th grade, I knew I was being called to serve God through His Church. I wasn’t sure what this service would look like, but soon...
Decluttering Before Christmas - Blessed Is She

Decluttering Before Christmas

“Let every heart prepare Him room.” It’s one of my all-time favorite lines from one of my all-time favorite Christmas songs. I tend to think about it all season long...
Exercise + the Theology of the Body - Blessed Is She

Exercise + the Theology of the Body

This past August, my husband Mike and I made a commitment to make exercise part of our weekly routine. I have always loved to exercise and was a marathon runner,...
Turning to Jesus When Struggling With Depression - Blessed Is She

Turning to Jesus When Struggling With Depression

I was officially diagnosed with depression and anxiety when I was a freshman in high school. Though I have learned coping methods over the years, it is still a struggle...
Dating and Pornography Addiction - Blessed Is She

Dating and Pornography Addiction

One of the most blatant, destructive, and obvious evils attacking relationships today is pornography. In the United States alone, over 40 million people are sexually involved with the internet, meaning...
A Letter to the First-Time College Student - Blessed Is She

A Letter to the First-Time College Student

Dear First-Time College Student (words I wish I had heard at the dawn of my college experience), I am so excited to hear that you are headed to college soon....
Let's Talk about NFP: Here's What Needs to Change - Blessed Is She

Let's Talk about NFP: Here's What Needs to Change

What if I told you we all have to change our mindsets and the narratives we believe when it comes to NFP? What if I told you we’ve all been...