for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Mid-Year Goal Setting - Blessed Is She

Mid-Year Goal Setting

I have never been one for New Year’s resolutions. I have nothing against them, of course. I just always felt that you can start at any time to make improvements...
Finding Healing from Men in the Sacred Heart of Jesus - Blessed Is She

Finding Healing from Men in the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Two weeks before I got married, I went on a pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi, Italy with my mother, my dear friend, and the priest who was going to marry...
Gym Time with Jesus: Nurturing Body and Soul - Blessed Is She

Gym Time with Jesus: Nurturing Body and Soul

She girds herself with strength; she exerts her arms with vigor. -Proverbs 31:17 Have you ever invited God to workout with you? Perhaps you’re already leading a healthy lifestyle and...
Why and How to Start a Meal Train - Blessed Is She

Why and How to Start a Meal Train

The arrival of a new baby. Loss of a loved one. Financial difficulty. Illness. Hospitalization. These are just a few of the situations that bring out a family’s need for...
Believing I'm Beloved - Blessed Is She

Believing I'm Beloved

I stand in line in the grocery store, and my line of vision drifts to the magazine stand next to me. And suddenly, I’m inundated with images of women. Women...
Set Your Own Lands: Sanctifying the Small - Blessed Is She

Set Your Own Lands: Sanctifying the Small

I have to confess, I’m not a big news follower. I get my 3-minute blip from the local NPR station, and sometimes even that is too much (especially if the...
Running So As to Win - Blessed Is She

Running So As to Win

Running was one of the most important things that brought me to the Catholic Church. My journey is rather unique. When I ran my first half marathon in 2011, I...
God's Love on My Journey Through Depression and Anxiety - Blessed Is She

God's Love on My Journey Through Depression and Anxiety

If you've ever struggled with depression, you would know that the feeling of indifference often clouds your perception of life. Whether it's towards daily activities, relationships, or even prayer, indifference...
Before I Formed You:  An Honest Look at a Surprise Pregnancy, Depression and Finding Help - Blessed Is She

Before I Formed You: An Honest Look at a Surprise Pregnancy, Depression and Finding Help

Hot tears covered my hands. I brushed my wet hair from my face and looked up from the table and into my husband's eyes. Some noise blaring from the television...
Why Self-Care is Important for Christians - Blessed Is She

Why Self-Care is Important for Christians

In the online world, women frequently come across talk about the importance of self-care. We are often told that, in order to function properly, we need to set aside time...
When Calling Yourself Crazy Is an Act of Mercy - Blessed Is She

When Calling Yourself Crazy Is an Act of Mercy

Ever since I succumbed to a physical and mental breakdown in December and have been undergoing intensive psychotherapy, I have learned an interesting fact about people: they do not like...
Prayer for the Anxious Woman - Blessed Is She

Prayer for the Anxious Woman

About a year ago I was diagnosed with chronic PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) resulting from some childhood trauma. Looking back, I did suffer from severe anxiety my senior year...