for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Soul Depot - Blessed Is She

Soul Depot

Do you know how many times my husband and I have been to Home Depot since we've started renovating our new home? I have a hunch it is upwards of...
New Wine // The 2023 Lent Devotional for Catholic Women - Blessed Is She

New Wine // The 2023 Lent Devotional for Catholic Women

During this colder month, it can be difficult to imagine days in the desert. But give it a try. Lent will be here before we know it; and in Lent,...
Am I at Rest? // An Inventory of Peace - Blessed Is She

Am I at Rest? // An Inventory of Peace

It can be an elusive chase. We shift schedules, we say "no," we set boundaries, we buy the next product that makes promises. We all long for peace, and we...
Pursuing Peace // No More Excuses - Blessed Is She

Pursuing Peace // No More Excuses

My mind has a tendency to wander. I float between writing notes on my phone, post-it notes, my Blessed is She planner, and the notepad on the kitchen counter. I...
The Cure for Comparison - Blessed Is She

The Cure for Comparison

Comparison is like a thief that comes in the middle of the night to steal your joy. Whenever we compare ourselves to another person we basically allow the thief in...
Walking with Christ on Our Sea’s Swells and Shores - Blessed Is She

Walking with Christ on Our Sea’s Swells and Shores

I had just spent another night sleepily clutching my Bible when I woke up in a rush, unsure if it was the next day or just a few hours later....
The Importance of Memory - Blessed Is She

The Importance of Memory

I recently finished the book Prudence: Choose Confidently, Live Boldly by Father Gregory Pine O.P. The subtitle is what initially drew me to read this book. In a world with...
Saint Maria Goretti // Witness to Reconciliation - Blessed Is She

Saint Maria Goretti // Witness to Reconciliation

Many years ago, my dad was going through his father’s desk and showed me a precious, antique Christmas card. Attached to the card was a relic of Saint Maria Goretti....
The Virtue of Patriotism: Are We in the Arena? - Blessed Is She

The Virtue of Patriotism: Are We in the Arena?

I am in second grade. I breathe in the crisp, fall air and recite the Pledge of Allegiance with my classmates: " nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice...
Texans Cheerleader Tryouts and Total Surrender - Blessed Is She

Texans Cheerleader Tryouts and Total Surrender

I often get asked how I reconciled my dance career to my Faith. I simply say that, at the time, I didn’t. Like many young girls, I was put into...
REMAIN Series // Lost for Words - Blessed Is She

REMAIN Series // Lost for Words

I was having a particularly rough month and was feeling lost. I had recently shared about my broken family history (something I hadn’t done in a long time). Revisiting all...
REMAIN Series // My Friend in the Desert - Blessed Is She

REMAIN Series // My Friend in the Desert

By the time I thought of her, my pillow was soaked. The darkness disguised my tears but I worried my unbridled sobs would wake the household. In just a few...