for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Blessed Chats: Vocational Discernment // Consecrated Life - Blessed Is She

Blessed Chats: Vocational Discernment // Consecrated Life

Welcome to our Blessed Chats series! Each month, we will dedicate an entire week of blog posts to a topic that affects many of us. These conversations often come up...
The Need for Personal Retreats - Blessed Is She

The Need for Personal Retreats

Each week, I fill my car with gas. I refuel my body with food and sleep. I charge my cell phone every night. But my spiritual life? How often do...
Living Our Baptismal Identity and the Universal Call to Holiness - Blessed Is She

Living Our Baptismal Identity and the Universal Call to Holiness

When St. John the Baptist baptized his cousin in the Jordan River, the heavens opened above Jesus and God the Father proclaimed, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I...
10 Scripture Verses to Lean on During Times of Scandal - Blessed Is She

10 Scripture Verses to Lean on During Times of Scandal

When the painful news about the Catholic clergy abuse crisis broke this summer, I experienced a lot of emotions, especially anger, sadness, frustration, and pain. Our Church has been deeply...