for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Catholic Women Speakers | Blessed is She Team Members - Blessed Is She

Catholic Women Speakers | Blessed is She Team Members

When it comes to planning an event, conference, or parish night for Catholic women, there are so many details to handle and decisions to make. At the top of that...
Understanding the Mass as a Love Story

Understanding the Mass as a Love Story

Instead of viewing it as an obligatory ritual, what if we came to understand the Mass as love story between God and humanity? Putting aside our desires to zone out...
Angels, an Artist, and the Capuchin Crypt in Rome - Blessed Is She

Angels, an Artist, and the Capuchin Crypt in Rome

I felt the hard, uneven cobblestones beneath my feet and took in the views all around me with fresh, wide eyes. It was one of the first days of my...
The Synod on Synodality (+ Ways to Pray) - Blessed Is She

The Synod on Synodality (+ Ways to Pray)

Confused about the current "Synod on Synodality" you have seen in your parish bulletin and maybe heard about in passing? Synodality is what God expects of the Church in the...
On Saint Bartholomew - Blessed Is She

On Saint Bartholomew

In the tradition of the Church, Bartholomew and Nathaniel are the same person. Think of Nathaniel as his first name and Bartholomew as his last name, since it designates his...
Flos Carmeli - Blessed Is She

Flos Carmeli

Flos Carmeli is Latin for “Flower of Carmel.” As a child, I was under the impression that Our Lady of Mount Carmel was actually pronounced "car-a-mel." It made sense to...
5 Blessed is She Products for the College Gal - Blessed Is She

5 Blessed is She Products for the College Gal

In the first few years of my college experience, I’ve learned so much about navigating school, community, and commitments. One of the most helpful things during this process has been...
Marian Apparitions from Around the World - Blessed Is She

Marian Apparitions from Around the World

While hanging on the Cross and obtaining our salvation, our gracious Lord made the effort to turn our attention toward His Mother. In addition, He instructed her to behold His...
The Women at the Tomb - Blessed Is She

The Women at the Tomb

Throughout the centuries, many arguments disregarding the validity of the Resurrection have emerged. In fact, the various explanations began on the very day in history that Christ rose (see Matthew...
My Spiritual Father, My Priest - Blessed Is She

My Spiritual Father, My Priest

My own earthly father (whom I love very much) was, out of his own brokenness, ill-equipped to be a spiritual father. Growing up, my dad claimed he didn’t believe in...
The Seven Churches Pilgrimage for Holy Thursday - Blessed Is She

The Seven Churches Pilgrimage for Holy Thursday

“ …About to hand Himself over to death, [He] entrusted to the Church a sacrifice new for all eternity, the banquet of His love…” The opening prayer for the Mass...
The (Actual) Essentials of Holiness - Blessed Is She

The (Actual) Essentials of Holiness

“Go where you can love God best.” My spiritual director shared this advice at a Holy Hour for discerning women. The thought rankled me. Shouldn’t I go where I could...