for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

The Quality of Life - Blessed Is She

The Quality of Life

The March for Life will take place in Washington DC today. Tens of thousands of people, young and old, will descend on our Nation’s Capital and march in peaceful protest...
For Life - Blessed Is She

For Life

It felt like a punch to the gut. A woman walked past with an empty stroller, save a black cloth draped across the top and a sign that read “I...
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 26 - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 26

Today is the feast day of St. Timothy, a saint who grew in holiness alongside his close friend, St. Paul. When I think about the friendship of saints -- Sts....
I Was Pro-Life-ing All Wrong - Blessed Is She

I Was Pro-Life-ing All Wrong

It was May 26th, and I woke up feeling sick. My husband, Sean, had already left for work. I took the dollar store pregnancy test, hopped in the shower, then...
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 25 - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 25

So many BIS sisters have beautiful practices in their prayer rooted in our shared Catholic tradition. I am so, so often inspired by the devotions shared in our regional Facebook...
Holding Grace - Blessed Is She

Holding Grace

I'm not marching today. The big boys will go off, bundled against the cold. But I will stay home with the wee ones and read stories and sip hot chocolate....
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 24 - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 24

The Corporal Works of Mercy can feel intimidating, but they don't have to be. Reflect today on how simple acts can be acts of mercy. Feed the hungry: make a...
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 23 - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 23

I just want to check in... How are you feeling? How are you doing? I am praying for you. What are your intentions? Comment below with your thoughts: How has...
More Than A Really Long Bus Trip - Blessed Is She

More Than A Really Long Bus Trip

I have been a youth minister for almost nine years. I’ve made my share of mistakes along the way and learned a lot. One of my favorite things is taking...
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 22 - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 22

St. Paul's command to pray without ceasing has always terrified me. How could I possibly do that and continue to live my life out here in the world? A few...
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 21 - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 21

While writing yesterday's prayer pledge post, I kept thinking of one of my favorite quotations from Thomas Merton. And today, I want to leave it with you. (I've bolded some...
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 20 - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 20

I'm traveling today, which always has the same effect on my prayer life. In airports bustling with people I've never met, on trains full of strangers, on the highway watching...