for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Almsgiving // Saint Bryce Missions - Blessed Is She

Almsgiving // Saint Bryce Missions

My 6th baby is snoozing on my lap, it's late in the evening as a I write, and I'm thinking of precious babies half way around the world. How can...
Just Keep Going:  A Little Lenten Encouragement - Blessed Is She

Just Keep Going: A Little Lenten Encouragement

We are one third of the way through Lent . . . how goes things, my friends? Are you ready to throw in the towel yet? Are you sitting on...
Almsgiving // Sidewalk Advocates for Life - Blessed Is She

Almsgiving // Sidewalk Advocates for Life

This week we will be speaking about almsgiving here and on Blessed is She’s Instagram stories. Throughout the week, we will be giving you a glimpse of some wonderful charities/non-profits...
Weekly Wallpaper // 97 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 97

I so often forget to ask God which way to turn, what the next step is in life, how I should handle a situation. I act on impulse, I do...
Blessed is She Reviews: Silence - Blessed Is She

Blessed is She Reviews: Silence

I have a confession to make: I am kind of a movie snob. I love the classic, old movies something mighty fierce. I grew up watching John Wayne westerns and...
Weekly Wallpaper // 96 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 96

It has been so beautiful to see all of the women in our community praying with the Put on Love journal. For an easy way to carry a reminder with...
BIS Travels:  The Central Texas Painted Churches - Blessed Is She

BIS Travels: The Central Texas Painted Churches

The Central Texas painted churches are famous, but not so famous that they’re a touristy hotspot. Don’t you love discovering hidden gems? This Lent, our family decided to make a...
Lent for the Married - Blessed Is She

Lent for the Married

Andrew and I were passing ideas back forth—sweets, alcohol, eating between meals. What to give up for Lent? I could do the typical, but I want this year to be...
Weekly Wallpaper // 95 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 95

It's a gloomy day here in Los Angeles as I write this. So many things are up in the air in my life, a new change seems to becoming at...
A Glimpse Into Fat Tuesday from a New Orleans Native - Blessed Is She

A Glimpse Into Fat Tuesday from a New Orleans Native

When we are talking liturgical year, I know Fat Tuesday is the term most people use to describe the day before Ash Wednesday. But as a New Orleans native, for...
Love is Rooted in Freedom - Blessed Is She

Love is Rooted in Freedom

I recently finished a short, ambiguous novel called Diary of an Oxygen Thief by Anonymous (yes, the author remained anonymous!). This was, unfortunately, yet another memoir-type account of obsessive, unhealthy...
From Mixed Tapes to School-Supply Shopping Dates: Our Romance After All These Years - Blessed Is She

From Mixed Tapes to School-Supply Shopping Dates: Our Romance After All These Years

There used to be coffee and hot cocoa dates (because up until last fall, I didn't drink coffee). There were flowers. Pearl earrings. Homemade steak dinners (cooked by Fence, of...