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You Belong, and I Do, Too - Blessed Is She

You Belong, and I Do, Too

My family has lived in my hometown for generations. The road we took to Mass each Sunday was named after my great-grandparents who farmed the land around it. The church...
May 08, 2020
Servants Serving the Servants - Blessed Is She

Servants Serving the Servants

There is a small town in southern Minnesota where a family opens their house on a plot of land to those seeking a respite from the world and the work...
May 07, 2020
His Familiar Embrace - Blessed Is She

His Familiar Embrace

His face lights up when I enter through the sliding doors. Pink walls and a pastel, flora sofa provide the only color in the otherwise sparse entryway of the Elderly...
May 05, 2020
Reminder to Rejoice - Blessed Is She

Reminder to Rejoice

I immediately recognized his childlike handwriting on the envelope. Relief flooded my heart because we had not heard from him in months. This letter meant he was okay. The letter...
May 04, 2020
Inserting Emojis, Making Excuses, Returning No Insult - Blessed Is She

Inserting Emojis, Making Excuses, Returning No Insult

Peter: When he was insulted, he returned no insult. Me: But HE wasn’t on Facebook. As a Christian, I am tasked with being Christ-like at all times and in all...
May 03, 2020
Who's at Work? The Spirit! - Blessed Is She

Who's at Work? The Spirit!

It's easy to take so much of our everyday lives for granted—particularly how our bodies work. It's hard to be grateful and intentional no matter how hard you might try...
May 02, 2020
Church-Lady Rampage & Saul - Blessed Is She

Church-Lady Rampage & Saul

I, too, have been Saul; not in breathing murderous threats (Acts 9:1) or raging anger towards Christ’s followers, but I have fallen prey to the “holier than thou” mindset before....
May 01, 2020
Bread That's Full of Promise - Blessed Is She

Bread That's Full of Promise

I used to starve myself. For years, I went through life learning how to neglect the thunderous rumble of the emptiness inside. It began as a whisper, a modest groan...
April 30, 2020
Resurrection is His Promise - Blessed Is She

Resurrection is His Promise

I began my senior year of college this past fall filled with excitement and expectant hope. I anticipated the fulfillment of promises that were made and the fruition of my...
April 29, 2020
You Won't Hunger or Thirst - Blessed Is She

You Won't Hunger or Thirst

Jesus desires that every single person would know His living promise: "I am the bread of life; Whoever comes to me will never hunger, And whoever believes in me will...
April 28, 2020
No Longer Alone at the Wheel - Blessed Is She

No Longer Alone at the Wheel

When I say the Alleluia now that Lent is past, and it was gone for what feels like so long, I like to imagine there is a wild wind sweeping...
April 27, 2020
You and I Are on the Road - Blessed Is She

You and I Are on the Road

I pressed my cheek against her soft curls. We were in a hospital bed in the emergency room. My baby girl had a fever and her lips were turning blue...
April 26, 2020