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The Holy Spirit, Our Heavenly Road Map - Blessed Is She

The Holy Spirit, Our Heavenly Road Map

When I first started driving, I was pretty "directionally challenged." Before cell phones and Google Maps were commonplace, I had to learn how to find my way around with printed...
May 20, 2020
Loosen My Chains, Lord - Blessed Is She

Loosen My Chains, Lord

Saints Paul and Silas lived a life of praise. They never lost hope. Even in the midst of a dire situation, their love of Christ raised them from their troubles....
May 19, 2020
Come and Stay at My Home - Blessed Is She

Come and Stay at My Home

I love the image of the first female small group in the New Testament reading, Acts 16:11-15. "If you consider me a believer in the Lord, come and stay at...
May 18, 2020
Postpartum Hair, Crying, and Laughing - Blessed Is She

Postpartum Hair, Crying, and Laughing

Shortly after the birth of my third baby, my body and self image were taking a huge confidence hit. I stared fixedly into the mirror with my milk-stained, three-day-old shirt...
May 17, 2020
Run to the Face of Love - Blessed Is She

Run to the Face of Love

I know a handful of "recovering people pleasers," and sometimes I call myself the same thing. I don't think it's a terrible thing to admit—I think it's honest. We want...
May 16, 2020
Laying Down My (Lasagna) Life - Blessed Is She

Laying Down My (Lasagna) Life

I lined up the stainless steel plates next to the stove. The lasagna had baked and rested, and now my restless young children were hovering, watching me with hungry eyes,...
May 15, 2020
God Keeps Choosing Me - Blessed Is She

God Keeps Choosing Me

Any time I read this Gospel (John 15:9-17), I hear the voice of the priest at my wedding. This was the Gospel my husband and I chose for a day...
May 14, 2020
He Prunes So We Can Bloom - Blessed Is She

He Prunes So We Can Bloom

I eased my car into the last-available slot of the small parking lot. I wanted to get some errands done before I headed home after work. It was then that...
May 13, 2020
Peanut Butter, Peace, and the Holy Spirit - Blessed Is She

Peanut Butter, Peace, and the Holy Spirit

In the quiet pre-dawn while my family slept, I took out the peanut butter. The jar felt light in my hand, and I made a mental note to add it...
May 12, 2020
Intentional Home, Intentional Heart - Blessed Is She

Intentional Home, Intentional Heart

I have recently been reading about the idea of creating a home where the love of God is reflected so all who live there can know and be reminded of...
May 11, 2020
There's a Place for Us - Blessed Is She

There's a Place for Us

I ran up the stairs and looked in each of the rooms as fast as I could, trying to be keep up with my older brother. "This is my room!"...
May 10, 2020
Making Sense of God's No - Blessed Is She

Making Sense of God's No

"If you ask anything of me in my name, I will do it" (John 14:14). I don’t understand those words. I never have. Because how can they possibly be true?...
May 09, 2020