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Converted and Strengthened in the Lord - Blessed Is She

Converted and Strengthened in the Lord

Today we celebrate the Feast of Saint Mark the Evangelist. He was one of the early Christians, and likely knew Jesus in real life. When he was young, he traveled...
April 25, 2020
A Five-Loaves-and-Two-Fish Kind of Faith - Blessed Is She

A Five-Loaves-and-Two-Fish Kind of Faith

My college friend felt jealous that while she'd study for days and only get Bs and Cs, I, while being so seriously sick, would only be able to study for...
April 24, 2020
Better than Ice Cream - Blessed Is She

Better than Ice Cream

I was the only teenager at the table full of well-dressed adults, the youth representative on an important committee to hire a new church music minister. The elegant lady across...
April 23, 2020
When Our Faith Is Questioned - Blessed Is She

When Our Faith Is Questioned

Sister, I’m sure you are familiar with the all-too-common question: "How Catholic are you really?" I was once asked this on the first day of a new job by my...
April 22, 2020
Hearts, Minds, and the Power of Unity - Blessed Is She

Hearts, Minds, and the Power of Unity

"The community of believers was of one heart and mind. . . . With great power the Apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus" (Acts 4:32-33). Sister,...
April 21, 2020
Fling the Doors and Be Bold - Blessed Is She

Fling the Doors and Be Bold

I avoid those conversation circles where maybe three out of ten people carry the discussion. I never know when to interject without it being awkward, and often I feel lost...
April 20, 2020
In the Waters of His Mercy - Blessed Is She

In the Waters of His Mercy

In my imaginative prayer, I was walking through a pine forest. The beams of sunshine were peeking through the branches and warming my face. My fingers brushed the sides of...
April 19, 2020
Fine, I'll Be a Bumpkin - Blessed Is She

Fine, I'll Be a Bumpkin

It was one of the last days of spring. The Mission District’s streets were warm from the bright sun but breezy. Inside the shaded coolness of the writing center, groups...
April 18, 2020
He'll Come Through, Fishing or Not - Blessed Is She

He'll Come Through, Fishing or Not

There was a line in today's Gospel that stood out to me. Simon Peter drags the net ashore, full of one hundred and fifty-three large fish and "though there were...
April 17, 2020
A Dialogue with Scripture - Blessed Is She

A Dialogue with Scripture

“Why are you troubled? And why do questions arise in your hearts?” (Luke 24:38) In my heart, I share with the Lord: Because I’ve been hurt before, Lord. I want...
April 16, 2020
Burnt Hearts, Non-News, and Please Read the Bible - Blessed Is She

Burnt Hearts, Non-News, and Please Read the Bible

Then they said to each other, "Were not our hearts burning [within us] while he spoke to us on the way and opened the scriptures to us?" (Luke 24:32) My...
April 15, 2020
Secretly Not Praying for Him - Blessed Is She

Secretly Not Praying for Him

One of the great blessings of a big family, and a w i d e family in particular, is seeing the unlikely sibling pairings that develop. Since her toddlerhood, my...
April 14, 2020