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More to the Story - Blessed Is She

More to the Story

There is always more to the story. + Something to consider when someone’s words or attitude feel attacking and unwarranted. + Something to keep in mind in a world filled...
March 30, 2020
Surrender in Our Fear and Anxiety to His Love - Blessed Is She

Surrender in Our Fear and Anxiety to His Love

Almost a year ago in late spring, I started having these feelings of panic that stemmed from a need to have my entire life planned out in front of me...
March 29, 2020
Run Away with the Lord - Blessed Is She

Run Away with the Lord

There’s a song I have been listening to on repeat lately. The title and lyrics sing of “the secret place,” of a place to run to, a place where the...
March 28, 2020
He Works Everything for the Good - Blessed Is She

He Works Everything for the Good

A young professed Sister relayed a formative moment in her early years in our religious community. She and a perpetually professed Sister were making their daily commute on Staten Island...
March 27, 2020
People Praise over God's Gaze? - Blessed Is She

People Praise over God's Gaze?

Even if you're like me, a seasoned or cradle Catholic who has lived many Lents, it's still interesting to contemplate each year what we actually believe and how our everyday...
March 26, 2020
Filled with Grace or Nutella? - Blessed Is She

Filled with Grace or Nutella?

When I studied in France the summer between my freshman and sophomore year of high school, I was nervous, bought lots of calling cards to dial home, and dragged my...
March 25, 2020
He Will Make Us Well - Blessed Is She

He Will Make Us Well

I will never forget the Saturday afternoon in Georgia when my vision left me while I was speaking at a women’s retreat. I was reading a quote from Saint Pope...
March 24, 2020
Miracles in Your Life and Mine - Blessed Is She

Miracles in Your Life and Mine

If Jesus hadn't performed any miracles, it would have been much more difficult for people to believe that He was the Messiah, that He was Who He said He was,...
March 23, 2020
But Now I See - Blessed Is She

But Now I See

“Georgia?” I questioned God with clenched fists and gritted teeth. But it’s humid there and the bugs are barbaric and the thunderstorms wreak destruction upon the earth. Still, I felt...
March 22, 2020
Magnificence and Mercy - Blessed Is She

Magnificence and Mercy

I stepped into the chapel of Sainte Chapelle in Paris and had to catch my breath. It's magnificent, I said to myself as the Gothic arches raised my eyes up...
March 21, 2020
You Will Blossom - Blessed Is She

You Will Blossom

The white flakes fell around us as we walked our way through the valley under the steep mountains. We stopped under the tall pines that lined the road, and he...
March 20, 2020
Not Your Average Joe - Blessed Is She

Not Your Average Joe

My mom has a devotion to Saint Joseph. Over the years when I was frustrated about dating, my vocation or my desire to find a better job, she would always...
March 19, 2020