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Get Outta Our Routine - Blessed Is She

Get Outta Our Routine

"[F]earful yet overjoyed . . . " (Matthew 28:8). The Gospel today tells us that Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went away from the tomb "fearful yet overjoyed" (Matthew...
April 13, 2020
The Gradual Light of Resurrection - Blessed Is She

The Gradual Light of Resurrection

My friend listened intently as I shared about my health, which had become an increasingly heavy burden. She nodded in empathy and offered a small word of encouragement, one I’ve...
April 12, 2020
Our Silent Wait - Blessed Is She

Our Silent Wait

Silence. The world waits in silence, as it did in the beginning when it was a formless wasteland (see Genesis 1:1). Here, too, I sit silently in the wait. I...
April 11, 2020
His Last Night - Blessed Is She

His Last Night

The disciples journey to Jerusalem with their Master one final time to celebrate the Passover. Not coincidentally, they will commemorate the miraculous deliverance of God’s people from slavery in Egypt....
April 09, 2020
I Betrayed Him - Blessed Is She

I Betrayed Him

“For these and all my sins, I am sorry,” I concluded with relief as I finished reciting my sins that Saturday morning. “How do you want your kids to remember...
April 08, 2020
All Eyes on Him - Blessed Is She

All Eyes on Him

These past weeks of Lent we've been coping with the unexpected turn of events with Covid-19. And yet as we've grappled with all the changes and unknowns, and prepared for...
April 07, 2020
Show Me Your Holy Face - Blessed Is She

Show Me Your Holy Face

I regret when I have interrogated my loved ones, assuming the worst in their intentions. "How could you . . . ?" "Why did you do that?" "What made you...
April 06, 2020
Abide on the Throne of My Heart - Blessed Is She

Abide on the Throne of My Heart

“The King of Love, my shepherd is,” I sing, as I rock my daughter in my arms. “His goodness fails me never. I nothing lack if I am His, and...
April 05, 2020
Put Down Your Stones - Blessed Is She

Put Down Your Stones

Like the people in today's Gospel (John 10:31-42), we pick up rocks every time we see the “good works” Jesus does in our lives, yet we cannot recognize that He...
April 03, 2020
God Does Not Forget, Ever - Blessed Is She

God Does Not Forget, Ever

It happens to all of us that we forget things on occasion. Last week I was forty-five minutes into my work day before I realized I forgot to brush my...
April 02, 2020
Not the Dramatic Life but the Quiet One - Blessed Is She

Not the Dramatic Life but the Quiet One

Every Lent I find myself drawn to the elusive ideal of living my faith dramatically. I want to be radically changing the world, helping the poor, evangelizing everyone who hasn't...
April 01, 2020
Healing in the Desert - Blessed Is She

Healing in the Desert

Have you ever been to the desert? I don’t mean places like the Sonora or the Sahara. I’m talking about spiritual deserts, places of dryness, loneliness, and discouragement where our...
March 31, 2020